She is a knight polishing her armor. Carrying her own sword, fighting her own battles, making her own glory.

Who We Are

We believe: An ordinary life can be extraordinary, there is beauty in IMPERFECTION, and that magic can be found in the everyday.

Whether it’s a personality trait you worry is odd, a penchant for the unusual, or difficult life circumstances, we just want someone to say “Me too!” or “I know just how you feel.”

This is something I learned as a teenager, when I chose Jane Austen and knitting over nights out with friends. I longed for someone who would sit next to me with some yarn and knitting needles, ready to talk about Emma Woodhouse or Elizabeth Bennet.

Bella Grace began as a series of “Me too’s!” shared between Founder and Creative Director Kellene Giloff and myself. We both had a similar outlook on life and similar passions. It was comforting, and we knew there were others like us out there. We wanted to start a magazine that was filled with women who found overwhelming pleasure from the simple things in life. Women who, despite difficult circumstances, continue to seek out life’s beauty. Women who share and celebrate their unique quirks. Women who support other women.

Christen Hammons
Director of Publishing & Editor-in-Chief

Embrace Imperfection & What Makes You Unique

When you pick up a magazine, you should never feel like you’re not enough, or that your life is not Instagram-worthy. Our founder set out to create a place where women can shine a spotlight on small, everyday moments that might seem ordinary, but contain their own special magic.

More than 2x the Thickness of Traditional Magazines

With a folding, book jacket cover and 160 pages of thick, matte pages you’ll actually want to run your fingers across, Bella Grace is the magazine that thinks it’s a book. And with ZERO outside advertising, there is more space for content for YOU.

It’s Not Just a Magazine, It’s an Experience

To give our readers a unique experience, we like to tuck a handful of interactive elements inside every issue. We hope you enjoy the inspirational quotes, thought provoking prompts, and worksheet-style spaces where you can journal directly on its pages.

Hello Bella Grace New Generation,

I want to thank you so much for filling a huge void in teenage girl magazines. Reading your magazine was so enlightening. Not one article is about makeup or how to look pretty. Nothing about what to wear or what’s in style. This is the type of magazines our younger generation need to read. I own a large dance school and am constantly helping young ladies with self esteem and body image issues. For the past 11 years I’ve made it my mission to help young ladies feel comfortable in their skin. I’ve been appointed my cities “Woman of Distinction” , “Young professional of the Year” and “Top 40 under 40” for my work on positive body image and age appropriateness in the dance world. Like I said, my role is making young women feel confident and I feel that your magazine needs to be in more hands. Schools, libraries etc…

I just wanted to say Bravo for a job well done. I’ve bought a few of your magazines for my students to read. If there is any way I can help promote this magazine more, let me know. I’d love to be able to get this in the hands of ALL my teenage students.

– Ali Catherwood –

Hello, nice to meet you. I am a 55 yr old woman, who suffers from depression and anxiety. I came upon your magazine ad while browsing Facebook. In a whim, I ordered Issue 27 after falling in love with the graphics on your website. I just received it yesterday and I wanted to share the ultimate peace and serenity I feel after reading half of the magazine already. The whole magazine is a tonic to my frayed nerves, transporting me to a secret place where time stands still to let me discover life’s simple pleasures. So, thank you. I’ve ordered Issue 1 and 20 and will be starting a subscription, but can’t decide which one. I want them all! Thank you again. I am inspired to put my thoughts in writing and submit for publication consideration. I hope it gets accepted! Be well.

– Sara –

Thank you so much for putting together such a delightful magazine about the things in life that matter most. In this constantly hectic world, where we fly from one errand or another doing things that society tells us we are suppose to do, it’s a breath of fresh air to know there is a place like Bella Grace, that lets us stop and spend time with the things that are most important to us. During this dark time while families struggle with the COVID-19 virus, Bella Grace brings a sense of peace, hope, and escape from the negative newsfeed we are accustomed to now seeing. I consider myself blessed to have found the last copy on the magazine stand at Barnes and Noble and grabbed it without hesitation. Little did I know that a week later, NY state would be brought to its knees by the virus and shop doors would close state-wide. Please continue publishing this treasured gem of a magazine.

PS- I have every issue.

– Amelia Ray –

So, I haven’t posted that I got my new Bella Grace magazine until now. Guys, I am telling you and I tell everyone that sees me read it, this magazine is worth every cent. If you need food for your soul, this is the magazine. This magazine has served me so well during this school year.

– Anna, Instagram follower –
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