Join the Movement

Want to be a part of Bella Grace?

Bella Grace is a print publication devoted to discovering magic in the ordinary. Our aim is to touch the souls of our readers through beautifully penned, uplifting stories and striking photographs that capture life’s beautiful journey. Bella Grace is currently seeking submissions from writers and photographers who share these same beliefs. Keep reading to see what we’re looking for, or jump to our Submission Guidelines’ page.

At Bella Grace we believe…

  • An ordinary life can be an extraordinary life.
  • There is beauty and magic to be found everywhere.
  • It’s OK to embrace imperfection.
  • Every cloud has a silver lining.
  • Life should be lived with a full heart and open eyes.

What We Are Looking For


We are currently looking for original narratives and poetry that focus on the idea that “Life is a beautiful journey.” Submitted work can be about simple pleasures, life lessons learned, slowing down, embracing your authentic self, and more.

Written submissions can include accompanying photography, but this is not required. We will pair writers up with photographers if necessary.


Picture submissions should capture the spirit of Bella Grace. They should depict simple moments, bits of romance or whimsy, feelings of happiness, etc. We’re always looking for photographs of women reading, writing, sipping coffee, in deep thought, and having fun. Though there are always exceptions, we tend to select photographs that do not have the subject looking directly at the camera. Photography can be submitted on its own and will be considered for use with narratives or as the background for the quotes featured throughout the book.


Who doesn’t love making a great list? Creating lists can be an effective and inspiring form of writing. They’re also fun to read! We aren’t looking for your grocery list; we’re looking for your life lists. A few ideas include 10 Ways to Turn a Day Around, 5 Times I Laughed Uncontrollably, and 15 Things I’d Tell My 15-Year-Old Self. Make it funny, make it sweet … the choice is yours.

Instagram Collections

Who doesn’t love Instagram? As artists and creatives, it’s such a great way to beautifully share our days with others. It also serves as a diary to help us document our days. In each issue of Bella Grace we feature a few Instagram collections. We’re now opening this up to submissions! All you need to do is send 15 images that you feel capture your Instagram and a statement about what living a Bella Grace life means to you. If selected, you will need to provide high-resolution images that can be printed at 5″ x 5″, 300 dpi.

We are happy to receive general submissions, but in case you need a few ideas to get you started, we are also looking for responses (photographic, written, or both) to the following prompts:

Super Sassy Bios

One of the most challenging assignments can be to write a biography for yourself. No matter how short the requirement, the task can be daunting. While perusing blogs, we’ve spied some really clever bios, some so unique that we can’t help but feel we know that blogger. In 30 words or less, what can you say about yourself? Don’t be boring and follow the usual format. Make it fun and attention-grabbing.

You in a Song

Wouldn’t it be great to have a theme song for yourself? One that would be played as though you were in a movie? Here in our office, we’ve been asking each other what a song about them would sound like, and what lyrics it would contain. Now, we want to issue the same question to you. If someone wrote a song about you, what would the lyrics be?

Small, Random Acts of Kindness

It’s been said that you never know what another person might be going through, so it’s important to be kind with everyone. A small gesture, such as a flower placed on a car windshield or an anonymous note left for someone to find, can make a huge impact. For an upcoming issue of Bella Grace, we are hoping to gather as many ideas for committing random acts of kindness as we possibly can. Furthermore, if you have a story to share about the impact an act of kindness has had on you, we’d love to hear it.

Stories of Self-Love

Most of us have our own bag of tricks we turn to when we need to show ourselves a little love and kindness. For our editor-in-chief, it’s a quiet night spent under her very favorite blanket and a cozy mystery. It never fails to brighten her spirits. What is it you turn to? What’s your recipe for self-love? (Lists and narratives accepted.)

Bella Grace is released quarterly, every March, June, September, and December. While we accept submissions on an ongoing basis, they must be received by these deadlines to be considered for a specific issue:

Summer Issue – January 15th

Autumn Issue – April 15th

Winter Issue – July 15th

Spring Issue – October 15th

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