Submission Guidelines

All digital submissions should be sent via email to [email protected].

Please note that if accepted for publication, photographs will need to be hi-res images (300 dpi, at least 6” x 6”). It is imperative that they are saved in the proper manner in order for our graphic designers to work with them. If you use a digital camera, check your settings before taking photos to ensure you are saving the best quality images possible. If you cannot provide a large enough photo, we may not be able to publish it, no matter how much we like it. You may also send a CD with your high-resolution images or narratives to:

Stampington & Company
Editor, Bella Grace
22992 Mill Creek Drive
Laguna Hills, CA 92653

With all submissions, please include your name and mailing address. We need your mailing address so that we can send you a complimentary issue of the magazine in which your submission is published. Failure to follow all submission requirements may result in your work not being considered.

Sometimes, something submitted for one issue may be better suited for an upcoming issue. Other times, submissions are forwarded for consideration to the editors of our sister publications. For these reasons we may hold your sample for an extended period of time and 9–12 months is common. In the meantime, if you move, please send a postcard or email to the editor with your new address.

All samples, queries, and correspondence should be sent to the Editor, Bella Grace, 22992 Mill Creek Dr., Laguna Hills, CA 92653. The editor also welcomes brief email queries: [email protected]. No telephone calls, please.

Stampington & Company only accepts original submissions for publication consideration. All images used in submissions must be copyright free. Any techniques featured in submissions that are not the writer or photographer’s own must be attributed to the proper instructor, book, artist, workshop, etc. It is the responsibility of the submitting party to ensure that no copyright infringement has occurred and that all work is their own.

We also will not accept simultaneous submissions. While your work is under consideration we ask that you do not submit the same idea to competing online or print publishers. Likewise, stories or photographs that have already been featured in other competing publications or sites will not be accepted. Publishing on your personal blog is permitted, but we ask that you adhere to our reproduction guidelines. Any questions can be directed to our editorial staff.

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