“Yes this is the one” I said to myself .
My dear Bella Grace
I have shared this treasure of Bella Grace with so many of my friends, relatives and acquaintances.
My coffee table is always decorated with the current issue of Bella Grace – to be shared with all who enter my home. I always tell my company “This is my gift to be shared with you – turn each page and fill your heart with joy, inspiration and magic”
I would love to share how I displayed issues of Bella Grace in my home
My very first issue purchased was Issue 14 and I have collected each issue thereafter – I only need issue 2, 3, 8 and 9 to complete my beautiful collection.
Thank you for publishing such a beautiful, inspirational magazine.
This feels like a ‘long time listener, first time caller’ moment.
I’m currently reading your Autumn 2020 issue and it feels like how I envision fall should be. Donna Wallace writes about more then simple pumpkin spice thrown around like salt, and I need this.
In this time we live in, I have learned more than a few things and the number one thing is how I put my own life on hold. My cares, my beliefs, the things that make me.
I buy Bella Grace for the call that the writers and artists write inside: the call to exist as I am and not how I make myself to be to fit in.
It doesn’t shake me to my core to read this, it gently waves from the shore to come sit and have a cup of tea and maybe release the tears I’ve been holding in, or breathe in air that isn’t from an air conditioner.
Thank you for calling out to me, though you don’t know me. Thank you for being more then pumpkin spice, but not throwing the spice out either.
They say there’s a whole world that calls out to you, and in this time where the world is basically closed for maintenance, I have found this person that needs me and I have been ignoring for that great big world. It took the world feeling like it was ending for me to see how much I, first and foremost, need me.
Thank you for all the issues you’ve put out since February of 2019, when I wanted to celebrate Valentine’s Day as a single person instead of dreading in. It was an honor to read and feel blessed instead of broken.
Hello, nice to meet you. I am a 55 yr old woman, who suffers from depression and anxiety. I came upon your magazine ad while browsing Facebook. In a whim, I ordered Issue 27 after falling in love with the graphics on your website. I just received it yesterday and I wanted to share the ultimate peace and serenity I feel after reading half of the magazine already. The whole magazine is a tonic to my frayed nerves, transporting me to a secret place where time stands still to let me discover life’s simple pleasures. So, thank you. I’ve ordered Issue 1 and 20 and will be starting a subscription, but can’t decide which one. I want them all! Thank you again. I am inspired to put my thoughts in writing and submit for publication consideration. I hope it gets accepted! Be well.
Thank you so much for putting together such a delightful magazine about the things in life that matter most. In this constantly hectic world, where we fly from one errand or another doing things that society tells us we are suppose to do, it’s a breath of fresh air to know there is a place like Bella Grace, that lets us stop and spend time with the things that are most important to us. During this dark time while families struggle with the COVID-19 virus, Bella Grace brings a sense of peace, hope, and escape from the negative newsfeed we are accustomed to now seeing. I consider myself blessed to have found the last copy on the magazine stand at Barnes and Noble and grabbed it without hesitation. Little did I know that a week later, NY state would be brought to its knees by the virus and shop doors would close state-wide. Please continue publishing this treasured gem of a magazine.
PS- I have every issue.
Hello Bella Grace New Generation,
I want to thank you so much for filling a huge void in teenage girl magazines. Reading your magazine was so enlightening. Not one article is about makeup or how to look pretty. Nothing about what to wear or what’s in style. This is the type of magazines our younger generation need to read. I own a large dance school and am constantly helping young ladies with self esteem and body image issues. For the past 11 years I’ve made it my mission to help young ladies feel comfortable in their skin. I’ve been appointed my cities “Woman of Distinction” , “Young professional of the Year” and “Top 40 under 40” for my work on positive body image and age appropriateness in the dance world. Like I said, my role is making young women feel confident and I feel that your magazine needs to be in more hands. Schools, libraries etc…
I just wanted to say Bravo for a job well done. I’ve bought a few of your magazines for my students to read. If there is any way I can help promote this magazine more, let me know. I’d love to be able to get this in the hands of ALL my teenage students.
I should subscribe but I receive SO much enjoyment from driving to the bookstore and buying a copy. For me, the drive is a round trip of about 90 miles so it’s no small commitment. It’s a planned day that I give to myself as a gift.
Thank you.
During a recent trip to the bookstore with my son, I knew that Bella Grace wasn’t for gentle perusing, but for a long, leisurely stroll, and the weight of it begged me to take it home for dwelling over at the poolside, in the woods, and during long hot baths.
So I did.
Once home, I took my time, devouring each page and item with slow deliberateness.
Thank you for creating something special in this impermanent world.
I gift myself with a subscription to Somerset Studio each year and buy a few back issues during the sale. This year I ordered a copy of Bella Grace. As often as I open a new issue of Somerset Studio and feel so at home, so excited, so inspired to create, Bella Grace is completely different with just a touch of the same. I am at home. I’m crying every time I pick this book up. Words don’t do it justice for how I’m feeling. It’s so right. It just fits. It’s beautiful — the pictures, the words — and I’ve only read two articles. The tears I’ve cried have been many because I too want more beauty in the everyday. I want to be more aware. So I’m blessing myself with a subscription to Bella Grace. I can’t wait.
(Field Guide to Everyday Magic Review)
I think this book is fantastic.
It asks interesting & thought-provoking questions that take only minutes to answer, yet they are questions that keep me thinking long after the book is put away.
The questions in the book constantly make me more aware of the people & the world around me. It has made me eager to set aside time each week to unplug, concentrate & dig deeply into my own life & the person I have been created to be.
I set a goal to do 1 journal page a week. That quickly went to 2 pages because it was so much fun. Now I can’t wait for Journal Wednesdays & have to fight to keep myself from doing more pages in between.
I have tried to do other “journal” type books before & always seem to lose steam after a few weeks or so. This isn’t the case – so far – with this book. I got it as a pre-order &, as I said, I’m still excited to open it up every week and do my new pages & add to my old ones.
Whether you are a writer or thinker or a dreamer, I highly recommend this book.
Bella Grace is advertisement-free (LOVE!!!), thoughtfully bound in high-quality paper and print colors. It’s a treasure trove of snapshots, inspiration, lists, shared stories, reflections, and pictures of everyday magical moments that are created by the audience for the audience and resonate within all. It is a work of art, a shared history, a sisterhood for women from all walks of life to grow and fuel their beautiful life’s journey. Never have I found a magazine (only books) so real that both admires and supports the wonders of women. Between these pages I find a morning or evening meditation, and a reminder to seek the peace, beauty, courage for needed change, and mindfulness in life. I’ll be adding these to my personal library for years to come. I recommend this to every woman, young to old–it’s beyond worth every penny. In fact, I’ll be sending a copy to my younger sister this week to start off her final year of undergrad!
Bella Grace is an oasis of calm serenity amid the chaos of present day life. I begin my day with a glass of warm lemon water as I sit in my reading chair and peruse these gorgeous and heartfelt stories and pictures. Each page reminds me that we are meant to cherish the little quiet moments and sparkling surprises of life. A rosy sunset, the breeze in your hair, the sound of the ocean as she repeatedly kisses the shore. I find a warm welcome within these pages and a validation for my love of slowing down and smelling the roses, or gardenias, or honeysuckle.
Though I hate to damage books I have taken to removing the journaling pages and sticking them in a folder to write upon when the mood strikes. I like the idea of keeping all those pages together in one place. I randomly choose one and begin to write whatever comes up for me.
I so appreciate that you have created this publication for the world during a time when we need some peace and slowness in our lives.