Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

January 19, 2018

The Color Your Heart Needs

Words: Angie Lambert
Photo credit: Angie Lambert


It’s snowing today. What better thing to do other than meandering outside, crossing snowy bridges, traipsing through slushy parking lots, and searching for fresh flowers?


I’d like to think it is making perfect sense. Yes, layering clothing is a chore, and without the final touch of the scarf and mittens turning back feels like it’s an option. I see the door. There’s hope popping back in and whispering, in my chilly ear, to continue forward. At this point what else would a girl do? Fresh flowers are alluring. I go in.


The ladies at the bread counter are on duty. I walk past, smile, and slow my pace. I may know Nancy’s name, but there is no time to chat. Though they tease me and appear busy unloading an oversized sheet pan weighted with piping hot baguettes, the flowers win. I need to see bright colors, smell fragrant blooms, and not eat the bread. That’s the truth.


It must be the weather. Did I tell you that we have five inches of snow so far this morning and it was sixty degrees yesterday evening? Mother Nature must be riding the emotional rollercoaster with the majority of us. I think all the seats are full, and there’s a line to go ’round again.


I cut across the aisles, weave through the refrigerated department, and spy the prize! I’m warm now. Must be the puffy jacket and snow boots. It’s love at first sight. The dark purple is the key to my needful heart today.


I’m home now and smiling. These simple pleasures are so worth the effort. What color makes you feel warm and happy when you see it? Whatever it is, find something that color today and keep it close. We do what we can with the resources we have at hand. Right?



Angie Lambert is a writer, photographer and contributor to Bella Grace Magazine. Find her at or on Instagram at @angie.lambert.

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Comments ( 5 )

  1. Patty Daniels

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    Love all of Angie Lambert’s photos and writings.

  2. Angie Lambert

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    So kind, Patty, thank you! Bella Grace Magazine fosters such a tender atmosphere for sharing. These day-to-day moments matter and noticing them brings a certain soulfulness to our lives.

  3. Pat

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    This is a color that is speaking to my heart as well…seems to be calming and balancing right now, just feels right.

  4. Susan Hemann

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    I love flowers in the winter, unfortunately, my grocery store has a poor selection. It is very disappointing. Guess I will have to make my own. lol
    Green is my happy color.

  5. Karen Olson

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    So delightful Angie! Pink, and I am owning it. Mostly dusty pink these days but any pink will do this time of year. Yellow is a close second.

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