Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

Showing results for - Category: Life.
All, Daily Gratitude, Health + Wellness, Life, Life's Beautiful Journey, A Year of Change & Self-Discovery

A Year of Change & Self-Discovery

I am a creature of habit; I always have been. Fortunately, my husband is one as well. We find comfort in the simple routines we’ve established over the course of…

All, Inspiration, Life, Life's Beautiful Journey, Lovely Lists, Seasons, Ways to Savor Summer Slowly

15 Ways to Savor Summer Slowly

Summer is a time of year marked with unhurried moments and simple pleasures. It is when we all seem to slow down — whether intentionally or not — immersing ourselves…

All, Daily Gratitude, Everyday Magic, Life, Life's Beautiful Journey, Life’s Beautiful Journey

Life’s a Beautiful Journey

Over the past 10 years, we’ve had 40 different Bella Grace covers. Though the featured image changes with each issue, as do the coverlines that shine a spotlight on some…

All, Daily Gratitude, Everyday Magic, Health + Wellness, Holidays, Inspiration, Life, Life's Beautiful Journey, Leap Year: 10 Ways to Spend Your Extra Day

Leap Year: 10 Ways to Spend Your Extra Day

Every four years, we’re gifted with something special: a bonus day. Though we think you should always make time for yourself, this leap year, we encourage you to set aside…

All, Everyday Magic, Life, Life's Beautiful Journey, Self Care, Self Help, Resolutions into Lasting Habits

How to Turn Resolutions into Lasting Habits

Every year, January 1st can feel like a fresh beginning, a date to start something new, something exciting. But it’s no surprise by now that making lasting change overnight isn’t…

All, Creativity, Daily Gratitude, Inspiration, Life, Self Affirmation, Self Help, Vision Boards and Mood Boards

Visual Roadmaps: Vision Boards and Mood Boards

As the year draws to a close, there seems to be a natural inclination for introspection and anticipation that stirs within us. The impending transition to a new year –…

Everyday Magic, Health + Wellness, Holidays, Inspiration, Life, Life's Beautiful Journey, Sources for Coziness

Doses of Coziness You Never Knew You Craved

When asked about what coziness means to them, most people will respond with fairly similar things: fuzzy socks, super-soft throw blankets, warm beverages sipped from an oversized mug, candles, and…

All, Daily Gratitude, Everyday Magic, Health + Wellness, Life, Life's Beautiful Journey, Small Gestures of Kindness

Small Gestures, Big Impact

Think about the last time someone held the door open for you when your hands were full. Or when a stranger offered you their seat on a particularly rough day.…

All, Everyday Magic, Life, Life's Beautiful Journey, Ordinary Magic, Slow Living Lifestyle

Navigating Life Through Slow Living

Imagine waking up to a world where the day unfolds gently, and you have the time to enjoy a leisurely breakfast, savoring each bite and the aroma of your coffee.…

All, Daily Gratitude, Everyday Magic, Gratitude, Health + Wellness, Life, Life's Beautiful Journey, Presentness

Presentness in a Fast-Paced World

In a world that seems to be spinning faster each day, where schedules morph into never-ending to-do lists, the idea of living in the present moment can feel like an…

All, Daily Gratitude, Everyday Magic, Health + Wellness, Life, Life's Beautiful Journey, Self Care, Positive Emotions

8 Practices for Cultivating Positive Emotions

In the pursuit of happiness, positive emotions are the threads that weave together moments of delight, love, and contentment. Within each of us lies the profound capability to nurture these…