Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

February 2, 2024

21 Surefire Ways to Instantly Lift Your Mood

Lift Your Mood

Even the most cheerful people are going to find themselves in a bad mood every now and then. When that happens, it’s important to have a reserve of ways to reset your day and lift your spirits. These mood lifters don’t have to be complicated or take time and money; they can be simple rituals you know always make your day a bit brighter. Here are some of our favorite ways to instantly lift moods, as shared in Book of Lists.

Ways to Awaken Childlike Wonder

Sometimes tapping into your inner child can turn your day around. Here are three of Jessica Mueller’s favorite ways to do this.

  1. Make a flower crown and wear it for a day.
  2. Put on a twirly dress or skirt and spin until you can’t help but laugh.
  3. Lie in the grass and be still. Keep your eyes watching the blades until you see a tiny metropolis of insect life emerge.

Ways to Add Some Sparkle to an Off Day

Everyone could stand to add a little extra sparkle to their lives, especially on an off day. Nikki April Lee shares several brilliant ways to do just that:

  1. Buy a cheap disco ball, turn out all the lights, turn up the music, and dance until you’re done.
  2. Walk through the neighborhood and snap as many pictures of flowering reeds as you can. You’ll be amazed by the collection you end up with.
  3. Hang up a sheet on your door or wall, set your camera or phone on a tripod, and have a fun little photo shoot of your own.

You can find the rest of this list in Book Of Lists Volume 2.

Mood Lifters

Photo by Lupe Rodriguez | Bella Grace Book Of Lists Volume 2

Ways to Take a Recess & Play in Your Grown-Up Life

We love Cheryl Lewis’s proclamation that, no matter how old we get, we need to take a recess. Here are her three suggestions on how to play, even as a grown-up.

  1. Play fetch with your dog.
  2. Chew gum and blow big bubbles.
  3. Jump on your bed.

Related: 8 Practices for Cultivating Positive Emotions

Ways to Carry Spring With You

With its pastels and flowers in bloom, spring is often considered to be the most cheerful of seasons. Deanna Eppers has great suggestions to help you carry that spring-like feeling throughout the year. Here are some of our favorites:

  1. If you have a few extra dollars, look for the discounted flowers at your grocer or florist. Many grocery stores sell fresh flowers and bouquets, but if they aren’t purchased in a timely manner, the floral department slashes prices. Bring your flowers home, cut those stems, and place them in cool water with some sugar mixed in.
  2. Grab some colored chalk and draw on the sidewalk, a parking lot, or anywhere you can find space. Why? The colors will bring some magic to your day and to the days of others who pass by and see your little masterpiece.
  3. Take pictures of people and places that make you happy. Print and frame them, or simply enjoy looking at them during a break in your day.
  4. Give yourself a manicure or (even better) a pedicure, and pick a lighter shade of pink nail polish.

More in Book Of Lists Volume 2.

Lift Your Mood

Photo by Javier Pardina | Bella Grace Book Of Lists Volume 2

Ways We Instantly Reset Our Days

Our readers always have the best ideas. Here are five of their favorite ways to reset their days.

  1. I volunteer at a local animal shelter regularly. It’s hard work walking the dogs and cleaning the cages. But when I’m very stressed and I need to be recharged, I go into the puppy room and just sit on the floor and let them climb all over me. Nothing beats puppy kisses, and talking to people as they come into the shelter about adoption always puts me in a much better, relaxed mood. Animals lower blood pressure and puppy kisses can’t hurt either. — Carrie Montagna
  2. I have a playlist of songs I listen to when things get stressful. I just throw on my headphones and start cleaning the house. It’s an instant de-clutter of the mind and house. — Arienne Haywood
  3. Bare feet touching the ground. Walking barefoot grounds me, recharges me, and reminds me I am part of something bigger. — Rara De
  4. When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I take a quick break to browse the books at the library. It helps ground me, knowing there are so many different stories out there and mine is just a small part in a big world. — Natalie Barahona Bruzon
  5. I call my sisters. They are 11 and 22 years older than me. They see things in a completely different perspective than me, and I just love hearing their voices. — Valari Dawson Canonico

Things to Savor Slowly

Simply slowing down and focusing on the task at hand can have a calming, soothing effect. Here are some of Emily Shearer’s things to savor slowly.

  1. Each buttery piece of popcorn on your tongue.
  2. The sound of pealing church bells.
  3. Pulling apart the flaky layers of a croissant and eating them one by one.


What is your favorite way to lift your mood?

Find more mood lifters in Bella Grace Book Of Lists Volume 2.

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Comments ( 1 )

  1. Anne

    February 9, 2024 at 3:42 pm

    We have a lovely nursery nearby with greenhouses and other interesting buildings like an old schoolhouse. When I need a reset, I wander through the greenhouses, breathing in the damp earthy air. Seeing the bright flowers and beautiful displays always grounds and inspires me.

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