Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

December 18, 2024

24 Things From 2024 Worth Celebrating

Words: Christen Hammons
Photo credit: Daniel Kim

As the year comes to an end, it can be all too easy to dwell on all that wasn’t accomplished — the goals that weren’t met and the projects that were never completed. It’s no secret that many of us are too hard on ourselves and never recognize all that we managed to do. With how busy or hard life can feel at times, we owe it to ourselves to celebrate our accomplishments, no matter how small or insignificant they may feel.

24 Things From 2024 to Celebrate

  1. Making bread from scratch
  2. Taking myself out on solo dates once a month
  3. Meeting an online friend in person after years of chatting through social media
  4. Eating breakfast out more often
  5. Trying several new restaurants from my “to-try” list
  6. Seeing Central Park in the fall
  7. Admitting I needed help to navigate a challenging situation
  8. Speaking my mind when my feelings were hurt
  9. Eating more pizza than I can count in New York City
  10. Shopping more from small businesses
  11. Beating my reading goal without realizing it
  12. Attending a craft workshop without knowing anyone else
  13. Completing the NY Times short crossword every day
  14. Complimenting strangers more
  15. Perfecting my meatball recipe
  16. Making more phone calls and sending fewer texts
  17. Taking my lunch breaks on busy workdays
  18. Finally purchasing the bedding I’ve had my eye on for years
  19. Donating our old linens to the local animal shelter
  20. Teaching our rescue dog to cuddle on the couch with me
  21. Navigating the NY subway system without getting too lost
  22. Finding a shade of red I feel good in
  23. Changing the windshield wipers on my car by myself
  24. Establishing a morning routine that allows me to ease into my day

What are you celebrating from 2024?


Look back on the year with thoughtful prompts from Field Guide to Everyday Magic Issue 14.


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Comments ( 1 )

  1. Bev

    January 10, 2025 at 9:00 am

    No. 16 Making more phone calls and less texting.
    I want to hear a voice. Your voice.

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