Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

September 9, 2021

A Moment with Bella Grace Issue 29 + Win a Copy!

Bella Grace Magazine

It’s just weeks away from our favorite season here at Bella Grace — Cozy Season! Celebrate with our 29th issue filled with cozy inspiration (the perfect precursor to our annual Cozy Issue). Inside you’ll discover wisdom from Anne Shirley, simple ways to add whimsy to your days, ideas for celebrating autumn’s arrival, and more! Let’s take a peek inside…

A Moment with Bella Grace Issue 29

Halloween always stirs up a caldron of magical childhood memories. Turn to page 61 to celebrate the timeless magic of this spooky holiday!

Bella Grace Magazine

Have you read or watched Anne of Green Gables? Be whisked away to her dreamy world of Avonlea on pg. 28.

Deep down, we all know that the moments that matter most are often the ones we never think twice about. Seemingly insignificant occurrences flash by, when perhaps we should be trying to hold on to them. List the small moments that have mattered most to you on our prompt page.

Of course, this issue is filled with a selection of beautiful and thought-provoking quotes — a defining characteristic of Bella Grace!

Creation, by its very definition, means “the action or process of bringing something into existence,” but becoming creators requires us to act, to notice, to feel. When was the last time you looked down (acted), saw beauty (noticed), felt seen (feel)? Peruse this beautiful thought on pg. 79.


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Comments ( 4 )

  1. Jo Kneale

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    It’s a beautiful edition: so good, I reviewed it on my blog! And this weekend it is going to keep me cosy here in a wet, chilly Liverpool, UK.
    Thank you for compiling a magazine that is everything I needed at this time in my life: magical, graceful and an inspiration to live an extraordinary ordinary life!

  2. Joanne

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    I used to love your magazine Where Women Go To Cook, have you considered maybe a 1x a year issue?

  3. Sylvia Simmons

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    I absolutely love your bella grace looking forward to issue 29 and your cozy issue.

  4. Hayley

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    Hi Joanne! We no longer published Where Women Cook. However, you can find back issues available at: 🙂

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