Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

August 8, 2018

Introducing Field Guide to Everyday Magic Vol. 2

Field Guide to Everyday Magic Vol. 2 is 144 pages filled entirely with the worksheet-style prompts, captivating photographs, and inspirational quotes that Bella Grace Magazine has come to be known for.

We’re beyond thrilled to announce the second installment of Field Guide to Everyday Magic. It’s so inspiring to hear from readers who have enjoyed responding to the prompts from our premier issue.

Keep reading for your FREE printable!

Inside Vol. 2:

  •  High-quality matte pages
  • Sturdy cover stock
  • A place for your thoughts
  • Thought-provoking prompts with interactive journaling space designed for readers to respond directly on its pages
  • A perfect, compact size! Slightly shorter than Bella Grace, this special workbook is designed for you to tuck into your purse or beach bag. Take it with you for whenever inspiration strikes.

Here’s a Sneak Peek:

“Unmade beds, dried flower petals scattered on the table … what are the most beautiful messes you secretly love?”


“Twinkle lights are an instant source of happiness for many of us. We see them and everything feels a little more magical. What are some tiny things that instantly make you happy?”


“I’m not very good at making specific plans. Just meet me unser the sky somewhere and be alive with me.” —Victoria Erickson


“We are all beautiful in so many ways. We have eyes that are full of life, hearts that are full of love, and so much more. Take time to inventory your beauties.”


“We’re frequently told to ‘live in the moment’ but oftentimes, this is easier said than done.” Take a moment to forget about deadlines and work with this prompt that is all about focusing on the here and now.


One of this issue’s Just Pondering sections poses the question: “Those things that make your heart come alive … why don’t you do them more often?”


Field Guide to Everyday Magic Vol. 2 is now available on newsstands. You can also reserve your copy at: 


Click here for your free printable. 


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Comments ( 4 )

  1. Susan Hemann

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    love your magazine!

  2. Cindy

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    How do I get a hold of an actual copy of The Field Guide to Everyday Magic. I don’t have a very good printer and I’d rather just purchase the Guide.

  3. Bella Grace Magazine

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    Hi Cindy,

    Thank you for writing to us!

    Field Guide to Everyday Magic is available directly from our website at:

    The current issue (Issue 4) is also available at Barnes & Noble until September 15th. I recommend that you call ahead to make sure it hasn’t sold out of your local store.

    Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with.


    The Bella Grace Team

  4. Liza

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    Hope you will reprint this one. Want it for my grandaughter.

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