Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

February 24, 2020

10 Ways to Spend Your Extra Day: Inspiration for Leap Year

10 Ways to Spend Your Extra Day: Inspiration for Leap Year

Photo credit: Emmalynn Sullivan

Every four years we’re gifted with something special: a bonus day! Though we think you should always make time for yourself, this leap year we encourage you to set aside the entire extra day so you can spend it however you want. Below you’ll find some of our favorite ideas!

10 Ways to Spend Your Extra Day: Inspiration for Leap Year


1) Spend the day in bed. Pull on a fresh pair of pajamas, gather up some books and snacks, and the TV remote. Sneak in a nap or two for ultimate relaxation.


2) Pretend it’s summer. Turn up the heater, throw on a sundress, and paint your toenails a bright, sunshiny color.


3) Gather with friends. Call up those people you never get a chance to see and put aside a few hours to spend with them. Go out for lunch, or consider hosting a potluck at your house.


4) Go somewhere new in your town or city. It can be easy to stick to the same restaurants, stores, and even parks. Visit a new-to-you place where you live.


5) Watch your favorite movie. Many of us feel the need to keep up with all the new pop culture. Dim the lights, grab a blanket, and turn on your go-to feel-good movie.


6) Do a puzzle. They’re good for your mind, and there’s nothing quite like the feeling of putting the final piece in place.


7) Cook something that takes all day. How often have you said you wanted to make a certain meal but you just don’t have the time? Now’s your chance.


8) Take a social media break. We all need to reset from time to time. You won’t miss anything. We promise.


9) Pamper yourself. Take an extra-long bath or shower. Use the good salts and scrubs. Put on a face mask. You’ve earned this break.


10) Watch cute animal videos online. Just a few videos filled with puppies and kittens are sure to bring a smile to your face.


How will you be spending your extra day? Share with us in the comments below!

CLICK HERE to download a printable of this list!

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