Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

February 23, 2021

Celebrating the Art of Letter Writing

Photo credit: Carolyn V

There’s nothing quite like sending and receiving handwritten notes. It’s a thoughtful gesture that continues to stand the test of time. Even in this day and age, when it’s often more convenient to communicate via email or text message, we continue to exchange snail mail and even use the internet to find pen pals. Comprised of heartfelt inspiration, stories, and musings, it often feels as though Bella Grace is a long handwritten letter from us, to you.

Calligrapher, Margaret Shepard explains that most describe letter writing as a “dying art.” However, she reminds us, “The handwritten note has been around for hundreds of years…adapting to the needs of every fresh generation, it continues to connect people. In fact, a handwritten note is even more vital now than it was a few years ago because it’s less routinely used.”  The thought of snail mail becoming a lost art is a shame as it is a simple way to touch the heart of another. In addition, it leaves the recipient with a tangible souvenir that can be kept forever.

One of the best parts about sending and receiving mail? The stationery! Stationery allows for handwritten notes to become even more personalized. If you’re looking to add an extra personal touch to your letters, our publisher shares several stationery projects to make cards that are a reflection of your own style and the recipient’s too.

The next time a loved one has a birthday or special milestone coming up, consider sending them a handwritten letter in addition to a text message. What could be more thoughtful than a collection of words that came straight from your heart – a little piece of you the recipient can keep for always? As Margaret Shepard describes, “[letter writing] brings out both the best in both the person who creates it and the person who looks at it.”

For more heartfelt inspiration, preview our upcoming issue of Field Guide to Everyday Magic, a publication dedicated to helping readers shine a spotlight on the here and now — the radiant glow to be found in seemingly ordinary moments.

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Comments ( 12 )

  1. Carolyn Watson

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    I love that you used my image! And thanks for giving me credit! 🙂

  2. Regina Powers

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    My favorite magazine! I expire to write something for!

  3. Moe Phillips

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    I love the act of writing out a letter, sealing, stamping and walking it to the letter box to slip into the slot of the mailbox and hear the soft clang when I close the handle. “Off you go.” I say under my breath.

  4. Jeanne Anderson

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    My grandchildren and I have been celebrating letter writing. During this Covid time, we are having lots of fun sending letters, words, and drawings. It tickles me that they want stamps for a present! I hang them up all over my living room and send them pictures of it.

  5. Susan Hemann

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    I love writing letters. I even have my own stationery with my name embossed at the top.

    Problem is, I don’t have anyone to write letters to. Such a bummer

  6. Linda

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    I have written letters and notes for over 56 years. Writing and sending cards is something that brings me pleasure .
    As an introvert, I express myself more fluidly through the written word.
    What fun that others are “ discovering” the joy of correspondence.
    In the world of technology, something written in a personal handwriting is a special gift.

  7. JoRene B.

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    Oh Dear Writers! For you: I have adored taking Naomi Love’s online class “The Most Beautiful Letter You’ve Ever Written” ~ it has been So Fun, inspiring and uplifting. A complete joy. You will swoon. 🙂

  8. Anja

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    Dear Susan,
    I read you comment and it truly is a bummer you don’t have anyone to write to.
    Maybe we can exchange a postcard or postcards if you like, I always enclose a little note with my cards : )
    Let me know if you like the idea of this…..
    Warm wishes, Anja

    P.S. I am a Dutch living in Germany

  9. Anja

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    Beautiful image!!

  10. Debbie Ealer

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    My favorite is walking it to the mail box. I say a blessing to whom it is addressed, place it gently in the mailbox, put up my red flag and it sits and waits for its turn to be picked up. Pure Magic!

  11. Terry Greenberger

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    Thank you for including “A Brief Visit to a Calmer Past” in issue 27. What a delightful event for me. I look forward to sharing more with you and your warm-hearted readers. What s surprise to see a feature where I had only hoped to be part of your wonderful response lists.

    Be well.
    Warm regards, Terry

  12. Wendy Waterman

    May 18, 2023 at 6:47 pm

    I keep wondering if there is a Bella Grace blog somewhere where different people could share so.e of the lists or wondering thoughts they explore in the field guide or in any Bella Grace edition. Just curious!!!

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