Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

January 28, 2022

25 Ways to Practice Self-Love

25 Ways to Practice Self-Love

Photo credit: Annie Spratt

We recently asked our Bella community on Instagram about their favorite ways to practice self-love and were so inspired by the responses! We’ve compiled a selection for you to try in your daily life. Whether it’s watching the sunrise or treating yourself to a bouquet of flowers, we hope these little pieces of self-love will inspire you to add a dash of joy to your life.

25 Ways to Practice Self-Love


1. “Walks by myself.” – mohawkandbee

2. “Buying myself flowers that I can take home and arrange to practice doing something slow and deliberate but also artistic. I’m loving learning how to arrange beautiful vases!”- sugarplumpaige

3. “Sleeping in and drinking my coffee in bed. Not rushing to be up and at it.” – carlandawilliamson

4. “Letting go of my own expectations and allowing in more joy and presence” – caseyejames

5. “Taking time each day to be outdoors, amongst the stillness of nature and just breathe.” – dillonbridget_24

6. “Cozying in a fluffy blanket and listening to music that brings to mind happy memories.” – homeinpennsylvania

7. “Art journal afternoon with my friends!” – punkinlady7

8. “Spending an evening of solitude & silence. It gives me time and space to reflect and refocus.” – sarahemould

9. “Loving myself for what I am, instead of what I think I should be.” – mistypresleysample

10. “Waking up early and giving myself permission to take my time getting ready.” – breerouse19

11. “Wrapping myself in layers of cozy blankets, lighting a candle, and reading a treasured book.” – danabrinn

12. “Going for a walk, reading a Bella Grace issue, sipping on a glass of wine.” – angelaakristinee

13. “A lovely long nap in the middle of the day.” – lorriann.hartwick

14. “A hot bath with bath bombs, music and a little champagne.” – laylaroyale

15. “Self love for me looks like a slow Sunday sleeping in, watering my plants, a walk with the dog, and making a homemade meal.” – mindfullybree

16. “Taking the time to drive to my favorite beach to comb along the shore. Also giving myself grace everyday!” – @cellocatscoffee

17. “The most important way I practice self love is by going to bed early and reading.” – photocate8

18. “Simple joys of the day is practicing yoga stretches, listening to relaxing music and de-stressing to unwind.” – parsram.mona

19. “Lighting a candle. It makes washing dishes, tidying up a room, or even waking up early seem a little bit more magical — and like I am supposed to be present for it” – caityneub

20. “I love to go see a movie by myself!” – chasityholcomb

21. “Getting lost in painting. It feeds my soul.” – wendysartstudio

22. “I love baking cookies for friends and neighbors. It brings me happiness to bring them happiness.” – ink_and_arrows

23. “Waking up and meditating to set my day up with good intentions.” – aishiteru.branding

24. “Dancing! It really helps lift my mood and it’s so fun! And of course, it’s good for the body too!” – simplyshelbs16

25. “Boundaries: Making them. Setting them. Keeping them. Changing them when needed.” – hive_home

For more inspiration, take a peek inside the latest issue of Bella Grace now available on newsstands and at:


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Comments ( 3 )

  1. Julia

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    This is such an amazing list. So many are things I needed to read and will implement into my life. Thank you

  2. Barbara

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    Lovely! This is the last thing I’m reading before sleeping tonight! Beautiful thoughts to dream about!

  3. Debbie

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    Meditating in Nature for me. It is soothing and is the balm my soul requires.

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