Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

December 31, 2019

Simple, Savor, Slow

Simple, Savor, Slow | Setting New Year Intentions

Words: Christen Hammons
Photo credit: Ben White

Ever since I first learned about Ali Edwards’s “One Little Word,” I’ve chosen a single word to guide me through the New Year. Rather than make a list of specific resolutions I’ll likely never keep, I instead check in with myself and ask if my actions are aligning with my chosen word. As the year winds down, I like to ask myself what I feel I need more of in the coming year and jot down a few words that come to mind. This year, I’ve broken the rules a little. I’ve chosen three little words that, when spoken together, feel like a short mantra: Simple, Savor, Slow.

I’ve fallen back into the habit of racing through life again. My days are over-planned, time is flying by, and I feel like I’m just watching it all pass by. I move from one thing to the next, not taking the time to enjoy it all and let it sink in. It’s tiring and also makes me feel disconnected from my own life.

And so I want to slow it all down. Simplify it. Savor it. “Simple, Savor, Slow” These are the three words that will guide me through life in the New Year.

What is your word? (Or maybe you’re a rule-breaker like I am.)

Christen Hammons is editor-in-chief of Bella Grace. She lives in Orange County with her husband, two sassy cats, and one scruffy dog.

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Comments ( 1 )

  1. Debbie A

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    I like the concept of a word, but without the steps to achieve a word like “honor” then it falls flat and means nothing. words have power, so if you pick a word also pick its definition along with the steps to follow that work. If you say Honor what does that mean to you? Honoring your time, your space, your relationships? Some of that, none of that. Pick a word, but also the definition and action steps to make it a verb for yourself 🙂

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