Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

August 29, 2023

Navigating Life Through Slow Living

Slow Living Lifestyle

Imagine waking up to a world where the day unfolds gently, and you have the time to enjoy a leisurely breakfast, savoring each bite and the aroma of your coffee. Instead of rushing through your morning routine, slow living is to be fully present and appreciate the textures, tastes, and sensations that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Within the pages of Bella Grace and Field Guide To Everyday Magic, you can find a treasury of quotes, prompts, and stories that celebrate the exquisite beauty of slow living. This blog compiles such excerpts for you to enjoy – so let it be your reminder to pause, breathe, and embrace the magic woven into life’s unhurried moments.

20 Simple Steps to Slow Living

1. Go for a nature walk daily
2. Have a routine for your day
3. Give yourself fully to each task
4. Journal
5. Cook
6. Set aside some reading time
7. Connect to your surroundings
8. Stop multitasking
9. Try a no-tech evening
10. Remember what’s really important to you
11. Don’t compare yourself to others
12. Be grateful
13. Engage fully with people
14. Sit in silence for one minute
15. Delight in the simple things
16. Stop spending mindlessly
17. Buy from and support ethical small brands
18. Start a small garden
19. Try out a capsule wardrobe
20. Go to your local farmers market

We all know how important it is to slow down our lives a little, yet we rarely do it. What are three things you can think of that will help you live a slower life?

Slow Living Lifestyle

Photo by Demetr White | Prompt from The Cozy Issue Volume 4

Slow Living Prompts

  • Life can get so busy sometimes that we forget to pause every now and then to take note of certain sights and sounds that bring us joy. What always makes you pause?
  • While the act of reading is wonderful in itself, it’s even more enjoyable to make an experience out of it. You can turn on music in the background, pour yourself some coffee, and sink into your favorite space. What’s your ideal reading experience?
Prompts from Field Guide To Everyday Magic Issue 11
  • You are given the choice between spending a week in a beach house or in a cottage on a lake. Which one would you choose, and how would you spend your time there?
  • The older we get, the quicker life seems to go by. The past year has forced us to slow down, which was a good thing for many people. In what ways has your life slowed down for the better?
  • Store-bought isn’t always better. There are so many foods, home comforts, and clothes that are often much more charming when they’re made by hand. What homemade items make your heart happy?

Slow Living

Photo by Sonya Knegay from Bella Grace Issue 28 | Prompts from Field Guide To Everyday Magic Issue 8
  • What are some of the times when you’ve been stopped in your tracks, surprised by the beauty of a seemingly ordinary moment?
  • There are probably very few of us who enjoy waiting in line for something. Today, think of all those lines you wait in and write about why you’re happy to be waiting in them.
Prompts from Field Guide To Everyday Magic Issue 2


As you can see, Bella Grace and Field Guide To Everyday Magic are not publications you simply flip through. Our magazines invite you to linger and relish the beauty of the present moment. Click here and step into a realm where every page encourages you to embrace life’s rhythms, find solace in stillness, and cherish the subtleties that often escape our notice.

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Comments ( 3 )

  1. Lisa

    September 8, 2023 at 9:25 am

    Although, I have been slow living most of my life. I enjoy these prompts.

  2. Janet

    September 19, 2023 at 11:14 am

    These prompts are so encouraging to help find beauty in quiet reflection. I have found that I am gradually slowing down in my days.
    I do get lonely and need to get out to see other people or talk to someone. I also sing along when I’m driving somewhere. These help me to feel less isolated!

  3. Julia

    October 10, 2023 at 5:33 pm

    Three things that help me live a slower life: taking the time to smell my food, baking from scratch, and following a no-phones-allowed rule for the meal table 💙

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