Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

April 21, 2022

A Bella Spring Bucket List

spring bucket list

When we asked our Bella Instagram Community for their Spring bucket list recommendations, we were delighted to read such inspiring responses! Below you will find a collection of our favorites compiled into a “Bella Spring Bucket List” for you to reference all season long

A Bella Spring Bucket List

  1. Every spring, when my Cherry Tree has opened her timid eyes. I linger under her boughs heavy with blossoms and witness the magic of pale pink petals swirl around me. Spring has officially arrived when my yard is covered in confetti cheer. -@ellasedge
  2. Hummingbirds, seeing these Spring Magic beauties again. I just saw one the other day and I look forward to see more around the flowers and my tree. -@monalisamagically
  3. Bonfire nights and listening to the frog’s chirping their song in the pond. [email protected]
  4. Planting my small herb garden. -@lorasbliss
  5. The first dip in the lake! [email protected]
  6. Walking in a field of wildflowers. -@emilylynndowney
  7. Eating dinners outside followed by gathering around the campfire in the backyard. -@wildheart_aesthetics
  8. Sending sweet notes to friends far away with tulip petals inside the envelopes. – @book_it_val
  9. Sitting on the balcony in the evenings watching the sun set. -@mikisplans
  10. Sorting though the last years mobile pics to making an actual printed photobook … a yearly tradition… spring cleaning my camera roll. To actually have and hold a photo book of saved everyday moment has been a treat so far. -@introvertlybubbly
  11. Reading in the hammock, barefoot. -@joeandkris513
  12. Sleeping with the windows open so I can wake up to the morning wind and sweet chirping! -@madelinelee515

For more springtime inspiration, take a peek inside Bella Grace Issue 31 now available on newsstands and our online shop!

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Comments ( 4 )

  1. Debbie

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    Every spring my apple tree fills with blossoms. I sit in my swing under them let them fall over me like a gentle snow. It fills my soul with such emotion about a new spring. I am covered in their love as I sit in awe of this tree every single year.

  2. Ella

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    Thank you, so much for including me in your Spring Bucket List~ I’ve discovered spring in the south and autumn in the north both make my inner child smile~ Magic waits for us to discover it’s gifts~

  3. Ella

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    Lovely, to imagine this tender moment between the seasons in our lives~

  4. Debbie

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    Right Ella,sometimes the changing of the season is full force, but something about slowing down and gracefully entering the spring. 🙂 Its magical.

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