Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

August 18, 2022

What the Bella Grace Team Looks for in Submissions

[artcred words='Christen Hammons, Bella Grace Editor' pics='Dylan M Howell']
Going through the submissions we receive is one of the most enjoyable parts of producing
Bella Grace. For each issue, we’re faced with the pleasure of reading through over 100 of them and narrowing them down to the approximately 25 to 30 we’ll use. Our team is frequently asked how we select the pieces, and though this is something that can be hard to pinpoint at times as some of them just have that special something, there are a few things that catch our attention. This list isn’t all-inclusive by any means, but some general things that we are drawn to. The stories we’ve most enjoyed sharing — no matter what the topic — have been those that have been told straight from the heart.

What the Bella Grace Team Looks for in Submissions

  • Pieces that drop us right into the story. As students, we’re trained to write in a formulaic manner with a strong introduction, but we’re not looking for essays. Most of the pieces we publish are written in a more fluid, informal style. 
  • Very specific topics. Our mission is to share the beauty to be found in the everyday. It might seem silly to write about the joy of selecting which teacup you’ll sip your tea from each morning, but we love that. Tell us about the warmth you feel while taking a walk through your neighborhood at dusk while you can see the soft glow of light coming from your neighbors’ windows. Do you have a ritual of spending a day every so often in your favorite pajamas? We want to hear about it. No topic is too specific.
  • Lists. It’s clear we love a good list. They’re fun to read and can be written on an endless number of topics. The quirkier and unique, the better.
  • Non-seasonal stories. That’s not to say that we don’t love them (we do), but when the majority of our submissions are inspired by the seasons, those that aren’t tend to stand out. If you want to write about something seasonal, feel free to. You just don’t have to.
  • Stories about books. We’re all bookworms at heart and believe that reading is such a magical journey. We never tire of reading submissions about the love of books or reading.
  • Ways to elevate the everyday. For all of us, most of our days will be fairly ordinary, filled with errands and chores and all the boring things we have to do as adults. Do you have a way to make the everyday a little more extraordinary? We want to know about it. If you don’t yet have one, consider finding a way to do so, and then tell us.

A few things to keep in mind when you submit:

  • Submissions can be sent both electronically and via snail mail. If submitting by email, the submission can either be copied and pasted into the body of the email or sent as an attachment. If sending as an attachment, please be sure to include your name somewhere in the document.
  • Due to the volume of submissions we receive for Bella Grace and our sister publications, we can’t always look at them right away. If using a service like WeTransfer for photo submissions, you might be asked to send them again, as their download link expires after a few days. 

We wait until all submissions for an issue have been received before we begin our selection process. Doing this helps us pull together a well-balanced issue. We often build in a bit of a grace period, so if you’re worried that you may have missed a deadline, feel free to reach out to [email protected]

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Comments ( 2 )

  1. Robin Ralston

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    Just wondering do you only want to receive one submission for the upcoming issue deadline or can we send multiple submissions for any upcoming issues all at once? Hope that makes sense.

  2. Debbie

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    Its writing the ordinary into an extraordinary experience, its taking the mundane and making it magical. It is noticing the fleeting moment and snapping them, then channeling them into words. Writing for Bella and submitting makes my heart light even if I do not get published. Taking my words, twisting them, performing magic from my brain to my hands typing them, that is what writing and submitting to Bella means to me.

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