Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

March 1, 2020

My Five Favorite Ways to Welcome Spring

My Five Favorite Ways to Welcome Spring

Words: Christen Hammons
Photo credit: Alisa Anton

As soon as the daffodils in my front yard start to bloom, I know spring is just around the corner. Living in Southern California, we are blessed with wonderful weather practically year round, but springtime is especially perfect. The sun is out, and there’s a slight breeze. Everywhere you look bright flowers are sprinkled around like confetti. Here are my favorite ways to welcome spring’s arrival…

Five Simple Ways to Welcome Spring

1. Buy some tulips. Is there any flower that reminds you of spring more than
tulips? I like to purchase a small bouquet at the grocery store as soon as I
know springtime is near.

2. Hang out on a patio. A lot of the craft breweries near us have patios, so I like
to call a couple friends, pack up some snacks, and grab a drink in the

3. Plant wildflowers. We have a couple wine-barrel planters in our backyard
that turn into a mess during the winter. I like to clean them out, fill them with
fresh soil, and sprinkle wildflower seeds all around. I never know what’s
going to bloom, and that’s part of the fun.

4. Paint my toes a fun color. Once the weather gets warmer, I trade my boots for
sandals. I like to choose a bright, fun shade to paint my toes because I love
looking down and seeing a pop of color.

5. Get a new floral dress. I’ve done this a number of ways. I’ve shopped at a
thrift store, swapped dresses with friends, and purchased a new one. I just
like adding a fresh floral print to my wardrobe.

Share with us, what are your favorite ways to welcome spring?

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Comments ( 2 )

  1. C Starr

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    Love the beautiful images and positive stories. Would love a free issue to explore the magazine more.

  2. Lisa A. Davis

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    Getting all my planters ready to seed, doing a good spring cleaning of the house, and watching the birds make new nests for the babies.

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