Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

September 6, 2017

— Kieran Rich

(Field Guide to Everyday Magic Review)

I think this book is fantastic.

It asks interesting & thought-provoking questions that take only minutes to answer, yet they are questions that keep me thinking long after the book is put away.

The questions in the book constantly make me more aware of the people & the world around me. It has made me eager to set aside time each week to unplug, concentrate & dig deeply into my own life & the person I have been created to be.

I set a goal to do 1 journal page a week. That quickly went to 2 pages because it was so much fun. Now I can’t wait for Journal Wednesdays & have to fight to keep myself from doing more pages in between.

I have tried to do other “journal” type books before & always seem to lose steam after a few weeks or so. This isn’t the case – so far – with this book. I got it as a pre-order &, as I said, I’m still excited to open it up every week and do my new pages & add to my old ones.

Whether you are a writer or thinker or a dreamer, I highly recommend this book.

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