Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

July 26, 2017

— Renee Cassese

Bella Grace is an oasis of calm serenity amid the chaos of present day life. I begin my day with a glass of warm lemon water as I sit in my reading chair and peruse these gorgeous and heartfelt stories and pictures. Each page reminds me that we are meant to cherish the little quiet moments and sparkling surprises of life. A rosy sunset, the breeze in your hair, the sound of the ocean as she repeatedly kisses the shore. I find a warm welcome within these pages and a validation for my love of slowing down and smelling the roses, or gardenias, or honeysuckle.


Though I hate to damage books I have taken to removing the journaling pages and sticking them in a folder to write upon when the mood strikes. I like the idea of keeping all those pages together in one place. I randomly choose one and begin to write whatever comes up for me.


I so appreciate that you have created this publication for the world during a time when we need some peace and slowness in our lives.

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