Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

Showing results for keyword - Air Cara.

Setting the Stage for My Days

My mornings have become so routine that I go about them as though I’m on autopilot. First, I wrap myself up in my well-loved but very ragged robe and let…


What’s Playing?

  There’s something magical about being in your car, alone, windows down and your favorite song blaring. Your hair blows in the wind and for just a moment, you don’t…

Inspiration, Life's Beautiful Journey, Self Affirmation, Finding Stillness Through The Senses Photo by Eli DeFaria

Finding Stillness Through the Senses

  Sometimes I just want a “do-over.”   Have you ever felt that way? You wake up and things just don’t flow well… the coffee spills, the toddler doesn’t want…