Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

September 26, 2024

10 Cozy Ways to Welcome Autumn

Cozy Ways to Welcome Autumn

For so many people, it’s clear when autumn has arrived: The air gets chilly, the leaves begin to change colors, and the need to put on another layer of clothing takes hold. It arrives nearly overnight, announcing its presence loudly and in a number of ways.

Not all of us are as fortunate, however. Our search for signs of the changing seasons in Southern California often comes up empty-handed. In the midst of 80- to 90-degree temperatures, autumn arrives much more quietly, with just a few small whispers to let us know it’s come once again. Still, we cling to that first brisk morning, happily order our pumpkin spice lattes while wearing sundresses and sandals, and start our annual rewatch of “Gilmore Girls.” And why do we do this? Because autumn is the absolute best time of year … at least I certainly think so.

I feel like a different person during this time of year … perhaps my favorite version of myself. As the seasons change, I do as well. It seems like I’m a lot more on the go during the warmer seasons, with my time spent at barbecues or on weekend road trips. Once the first signs of autumn appear, I slow down and feel pulled toward spending my time at home. And when the “ber” months begin, I prepare my house for the coziness that’s to come.


Photo by Ekaterina Fedulyeva | Bella Grace Issue 41

10 Ways to Welcome Autumn

  1. Exchange the books on your nightstand for cozy reads. For me, that means putting away my popcorn thrillers and beach reads and bringing out classic mysteries and books with a touch of magical realism.
  2. Pack up your summer-scented candles and bring out those with a spicier aroma.
  3. Ensure your lamps have new light bulbs. There’s nothing cozy about harsh overhead lighting. Cold nights feel more romantic when lit by the soft glow of lamps.
  4. Paint your nails a moody color. In the warmer months, you’ll find me with pretty pastels or something bright. Once autumn arrives, I love to switch this for something darker.
  5. Put together a playlist. Fill it with songs to listen to as you cook dinner, sip your coffee, or play boardgames on the couch. I personally like to include a few instrumental songs to play in the background of my days and nights.
  6. Set aside an afternoon to make soup or stew from scratch. Nothing says fall like that first comfort meal of the season.
  7. Arrange a warm beverage bar on your counter. I don’t have a lot of space, but I like to fill a bowl with packets of hot cocoa and tea bags and place it next to my coffee maker to remind myself to sip on something different every now and then.
  8. Place a few extra throw blankets and pillows on your couch. We always have at least one blanket folded on the back of ours, but having a few at the ready encourages everyone who sits down to grab one.
  9. Plan a craft or two to work on. While I enjoy watching football on the weekends with my husband, I think it’s extra fun to work on my knitting or make progress in my book bullet journal while doing so.
  10. Look for new ambiance rooms on YouTube. Even when the weather doesn’t feel like fall here, playing a video of a cozy scene on my TV never fails to deliver that homey, comfy feeling.


What are your favorite ways to welcome autumn? Explore more in our latest issue of Bella Grace.

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