Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

April 27, 2023

15 Ways to Embrace Joy & Delight This Spring

15 Ways to Embrace Joy and Delight This Spring

I’ve never been one to make serious resolutions when a new year arrives and instead take two different approaches. I think of the things I will not be doing in the coming year (my “unresolutions”) and I think of what I want more of in my life. You know, those little things that when you do them, they bring you so much joy that you wonder why you don’t do them more often.

It was an uncharacteristically stormy, dark winter in Southern California — something I had never experienced in my lifetime of living here and one I just wanted to pass as quickly as possible. I had completely abandoned all those whimsical things I had vowed to add to my life in favor of just getting through what seemed like months of endless rain.

I missed the sunny days we seem to take for granted here as well as the ability to spend time outdoors whenever I wanted. I missed the delicate flowers that bloom every February in my neighbor’s yard that couldn’t survive the heavy downpours this winter. I missed weekly trips to the farmers market that’s a few blocks from my house, an event that was cancelled more often than not.

Many people think of spring as a time of rebirth, a time when we can put the dark, gloomy days of winter behind us and look forward to happier, brighter times. This year I decided to be one of these people and use the new season as a chance to start anew and recommit to adding more of the little things that bring me joy to my life.

This spring, I’m embracing joy and delight by …

  1.  … moving any clothing with a bright color or cheerful pattern to the front of my closet.
  2.  … wearing sundresses with my cute new pair of white sneakers, much like I did when I was a little girl.
  3.  … eating all things lemon-flavored.
  4.  … sprinkling wildflowers seeds in our flower box and seeing what grows.
  5.  … opening up the windows as I start my day and closing them as I’m going to bed.
  6.  … rearranging the backyard to set up a reading space to enjoy before summer comes and it’s too warm to sit out there.
  7.  … writing notes to strangers inside books before putting them in the Little Free Libraries around my neighborhood.
  8.  … meeting friends for a scoop of ice cream or a sundae.
  9.  … playing soft music while I prepare meals filled with my favorite springtime produce.
  10.  … keeping my fingernails painted in pastel shades.
  11.  … taking walks through my neighborhood to watch as the yards fill with blooms.
  12.  … buying flower bouquets from the grocery store and scattering them around my tiny house.
  13.  … enjoying my meals outside whenever I can.
  14.  … sitting on the porch and blowing bubbles for my dogs to chase.
  15.  … adding my “fluffiest” novels to the front of my “to be read” shelf.


How will you be embracing joy and delight this spring?


Christen Hammons is the editor-in-chief of Bella Grace magazine. She lives in Orange County with her husband and their two rescue dogs.

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Comments ( 7 )

  1. Freddie

    April 27, 2023 at 11:46 pm

    Planting flowers for myself this year. Going to begin a journal and incorporate pictures and sayings, poems I’ve read, and not just “what I did today” but what I’ve thought about. I’ve very excited about this. My office clothes are all dark blue, black, and brown – slowly adding some color this Spring.

  2. Jackie

    April 28, 2023 at 12:15 pm

    As of July 1st, I will be retiring after working for over 37 years for our local municipality. I cannot really imagine what days will look like, but I am wanting to start a journal filled with thoughts, hopes, dreams and gratitude. bella GRACE will be a huge help getting me going. My favorite seasons are Fall and Winter and The Cozy Issue is my favorite…thank you for that publication!

    • Bella Grace

      May 2, 2023 at 11:23 pm

      Thank you so much for your kind words, Jackie. Wishing you the best of luck on your next chapter 🙂

  3. Dawn

    May 13, 2023 at 8:13 am

    How utterly inspiring! Very uplifting, joyful ideas.

    I love all of your thoughts, and I particularly like the idea of writing wee notes in books before passing them on to someone else.

    This spring I’ve planted seeds according to the moon phases and I’m delighted to see them popping up already, looking strong and determined!

    As soon as the temperature rises – which is later here in the Scottish Highlands – I live outside as much as possible. As today is beautifully warm and sunny, I’m encouraged to get my outdoor paint and refresh my garden furniture ready to enjoy many outdoor meals and gatherings with friends over the next few months. What joy!

  4. Bethany Chance

    May 13, 2023 at 4:40 pm

    These are such wonderful ideas. I love being outside. With hot, humid Florida summer, and even Florida spring, I’ve set up a shaded outside spot to read or paint. This is my happy time, and I don’t want to miss basking in the warmth and sun. I’ve also made an insect repellent with beauty berry and Corsican mint. It smells great and will get me through the summer evenings

  5. Debbie

    June 2, 2023 at 6:08 pm

    My favorite thing about spring is the lightening bugs return. I chase them like I did as a kid and them lighting up my hands brings me such joy. Last night I put a blanket down and watched the show. They did not disappoint.

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