Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

July 15, 2019

A Moment with Field Guide to Everyday Magic Issue 4


Inspired by its sister publication Bella Grace, Field Guide to Everyday Magic is filled entirely with the worksheet-style prompts, captivating photographs, and inspirational quotes that Bella Grace Magazine has come to be known for.

Women of all ages will enjoy soaking in the eye-catching images and thought-provoking prompts in this special spin-off. Each page is designed to inspire and help readers shine a spotlight on the here and now — the radiant glow to be found in seemingly ordinary moments. And Field Guide to Everyday Magic takes interactive to a whole, new level.

Take a peek inside Issue 4:

It’s so easy to get caught up in what everyone else is doing and want to be part of it all, but sometimes it’s more fun to miss out! In Field Guide Issue 4, be reminded of all the things you are joyfully missing out on.

Reflect on beloved memories while responding to prompts such as, “Where are some of the best places your feet have taken you?”

“You don’t think all the things you think you need – to do all the things you feel called to do. You have all you need, right now, right now – now go make life beautiful.” – Tess Guinery. Field Guide Issue 4 is filled with countless beautiful reminders just like this one!

Pets can teach us so much about life. In this issue, make a list of the valuable lessons you’ve learned from your pets!

Relish in unplugging as you name all the magical things you enjoy doing that don’t involve technology.

Be sure to find us on Instagram and Facebook for more inspiration and enter to win a copy of Field Guide to Everyday Magic Issue 4 below!

Field Guide to Everyday Magic Issue 4 GIVEAWAY:

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Comments ( 1 )

  1. Debbie Ealer

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    This looks like it was such a good issue. I jumped on board around issue 18 I think. Im going to have to get on the train and go back and buy some more. The photos with this issue look amazing!!

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