Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

June 30, 2019

A Bella Summer Bucket List 2019

A Bella Summer Bucket List

Photo credit: Dylan Nolte

We recently asked our followers on Instagram and Facebook to share what is on their summer bucket list. It came as no surprise that we were incredibly inspired by your responses – our Bella Grace community is filled with such creative, thoughtful, and heartfelt souls! Below is our Bella Summer Bucket List, a compilation of your hopes for the season along with a few of our own! If you’re in need of a little everyday magic this season, reference the list below for a spark of inspiration.

A Bella Summer Bucket List

1. Go berry picking

“Every summer I take my two daughters berry picking at our local u-pick farm.” – Sara Waterhouse

2. Ride a carousel

“Ride a carousel with my daughter!! (I just became a Mama through adoption, and she has me freshly experiencing everything!)” – @Whitney.Napier

3. Plant a vegetable garden

4. Enjoy an outdoor concert

5. Soak in the ocean breeze

“At the top of my summer bucket list is a trip to the beach! I enjoy life in the desert but my heart and soul can only be replenished by the sight, sound and smell of ocean waves.”  – Cindy Blake

6. Capture memories with your camera

7. Get lost in a beloved book

8. Have a spontaneous picnic

“Spontaneous picnics, where we take our dinner outside and eat on the front lawn, always finishing with popsicles!” – @mouseears_mama

9. Explore thrift shops

10. Count the stars

A Bella Summer Bucket List

11. Run through the sprinklers

12. Have a lemonade stand

13. Unplug. Spend a day outdoors away from electronics.

“More family time and outdoor activities less technology. Lets talk face to face. Pack a picnic and go on an adventure!” – @rachelfolden

14. Keep a gratitude journal

15. Go on a sunrise hike

16. Expand your creativity. Learn how to paint, try a new style of photography, or make new recipes.

“Learning to decorate cakes and cupcakes, finishing the first draft of my novel, reading a lot.” – @theredheadedwriter

17. Have a movie marathon

18. Be a tourist in your own town. Discover shops, restaurants, gardens and other hidden gems!

“Discovering new beaches, new outdoor cafes, new summer recipes, new summer reads, a new summer hat, sunglasses, and a heart full of adventure.” – Cheryle Cabrera

19. Host an afternoon tea party

20. Start a collection. Some ideas include coins, stamps, and seashells – anything to remember this season by.


For more inspiration, be sure to pick up the Summer 2019 Issue of Bella Grace’s sister publication, Field Guide to Everyday Magic, filled entirely with worksheet-style prompts, captivating photographs, and inspiring quotes!



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Comments ( 1 )

  1. Debbie E

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    Chase fireflies around the backyard like when you were a little girl. Laugh at them tickling your hand when you finally catch one. Release it gently back to join its friends and start chasing them again.

    When the first firefly comes I actually squeal with excitement. They are magic to me at any age.

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