Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

March 7, 2019

A Moment with Bella Grace Issue 19 + Win a Free Issue


Bella Grace Issue 19

Bella Grace Issue 19 is 160 pages devoted to discovering magic in the ordinary. Be captivated by this issue’s heartfelt stories and photographs that celebrate life’s beautiful journey.

Stories inside Issue 19:

  • Random acts of kindness to incorporate into your life
  • Re-thinking our imperfections
  • Trading Audrey Hepburn
  • Embracing the pause
  • Learning to lean into the why’s of your life

Here’s a sneak peek:

Bella Grace Issue 19

Andrea Clegg Corp reminds us that saying no can be a wonderful self-care practice. She shares, “The disciplined pursuit of less helps you clear out the clutter of your life in order to tune in to your soul.”


Bella Grace Issue 19

“Be the kind of woman who fixes another woman’s crown without telling the world that is was crooked.” – Unknown.

Issue 19 is filled with the same kinds of gorgeous, thought-provoking quotes you’ve come to know and love in our magazines!


Bella Grace Issue 19

Accompany Ella Wilson on an art date as she explores the historic section of her city filled with enchanting discoveries waiting to be made.


Bella Grace Issue 19

Inspired by Mary Oliver’s call to “Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it,” we present Anna Bonnema’s prompt to discover astonishment in your everyday.


Bella Grace Issue 19

In “Embrace the Pause,” Sarah Baker encourages us to collect moments in which we can slow down, breathe deeply, and truly savor our experiences.


Bella Grace Issue 19 is now available on newsstands. You can also reserve your copy online at:

CLICK HERE to enter to win your own copy of Bella Grace Issue 19!

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Comments ( 8 )

  1. Sue Robbins

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    i need to thank you, Christen and the entire Bella Grace team for making my life complete in more ways than i can ever admit to. The photos, oh my, they are just stunning and the stories touch me in ways that no other publication has ever done. i am a huge fan on fill-in-the-blank prompts, which is what first attracted me, and i race to Barnes and Noble with the anticipation and hope that the latest issue is there waiting for me and i always grab the most perfect copy and hold onto it for dear life. No mere words can ever say how much of a gift you are to me and i will be a loyal follower for as long as this treasure is here, which i hope will be long after I am gone so other women can receive the same wonderful blessing that i have. Thank you so much.

  2. Sandra at Thistle Cove Farm

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    This might be my favorite issue EVER! One of my gifts to myself is traveling to BAM to purchase Bella Grace; that was just put on the schedule for this week.

  3. Michelle Domescek

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    I must have Bella Grace always and always! I’m better with it, nourishes my soul.

  4. Janice Sullivan

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    I absolutely love your magazine… I always recommend people to get it because it is so wonderful.

  5. Linda

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    This is the most amazing magazine ever. I wish I could climb right into some of the articles! I live in a rural area where there is no room on magazine shelves for this woo-woo stuff. I found you at a Barnes and Noble and will be ever grateful. You bringthe calm in my life. Thank you…

  6. joie foster

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    I can hardly wait to pick up my Bella Grace magazine when a new issue comes out. I am so impressed with this magazine that I gift my friends with a copy now & then so they can relish in it as much as I do! I get them hooked on Bella Grace too. I’m considering having a cozy Bella Grace evening with my friend’s. I will create a cozy atmosphere with candles, blankets to wrap in, & of course there will be food. We can spend time together sharing our answer’s to the prompt questions in the recent Bella Grace. Thank you , Christen & the entire staff for publishing this beautiful magazine. What a blessing!

  7. Lori B

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    I have just discovered Bella Grace! I love the feeling of this magazine…it resonates so much with me! It is the only magazine I need … ever! I would love to find another issue to gift my yountest sister with. She had Type A Flu a year ago, and is still dealing with health issues from that. She needs this magazine!

  8. valerie verdi

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    I am in love with Bella Grace magazine and all that is contained within inspires me. In fact, as I lie next to my wonderful husband of 40 years reading your magazine, the sense of cozy surrounds me. What a wonderful way to end the day. Thank you.

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