Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

March 27, 2024

A Smaller Take on Gratitude Journals

Gratitude Journal

Words: Christen Hammons
Photo credit: Gillian Vann

Most of us have, at some point, made it a goal of ours to start a gratitude practice, usually in the form of a journal. We also likely followed the same guidelines, winding down at night by writing three things we were grateful for that day. And, if you’re like me, you overthought it, wrote down the same things each day — something broad and unspecific — and became bored with the routine.

Gratitude Journals: A Smaller Take

After reading “Little Pieces of Hope: Happy-Making Things in a Difficult Word” by Todd Doughty, I was moved to have fun with my gratitude practice. You see, the author wrote a book full of some of the most tiny, yet specific things for which he was grateful. Things like “Having the remote control all to yourself,” “Mastering the eyelash curler,” and “Funny-shaped ice cubes.” Of course, I have big things in my life to be grateful for, like my health and a stable job that I love. But there are also so many things I encounter or experience every day — most of them so small and seemingly insignificant — that I am thankful for, but by waiting until the end of the day to acknowledge and appreciate them, I will likely forget them by the time I pull out my journal. 

To help with my journey to create a gratitude practice that was all my own, I’ve turned to technology, something I rarely do. Throughout my day, when something sparks joy in my heart or makes me feel grateful for experiencing it, I make a voice note right away. I say things into my phone like, “Silly socks peeking out from a business suit,” and “A piece of chocolate so decadent it made me close my eyes for a moment.” I dusted off my journal, and each night I listen to the notes I left myself throughout the day, smiling as I write them down, happy to revisit the things that brought me such joy. 

Sure, some of these things might seem silly, and perhaps in some ways they are, but on those days when it’s hard to feel grateful for much of anything, I’m especially thankful for these tiny joys that serve as big reminders that there is still happiness to be found all around me. And the more I make an effort to express my gratitude for them, the more I find them. 

Small Moments of Joy

Here are some of the small moments of joy I wrote in my gratitude journal last week, one that was especially stressful: 

  • The stray cat on our street stopping in front of me to ask for belly rubs
  • Customers and crew at my local market singing “Happy Birthday” to a 5-year-old girl wearing her special birthday dress
  • A thunderstorm that came and went in a matter of minutes
  • The driver of the car next to me listening to my favorite song from eighth grade
  • A few dollars in my wallet when the ice cream truck came down our street
  • Perfectly painted fingernails
  • The bright citrusy smell of a perfectly ripe clementine
  • Babies wearing silly sunglasses
  • Five of the same cars (in the same color) being parked in a line

Tell me, what have been some of your recent little pockets of gratitude?


Discover gratitude journaling prompts to practice daily in Field Guide To Everyday Magic magazine.

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Comments ( 12 )

  1. Caryn D, Ottawa CA

    March 30, 2024 at 12:03 pm

    Love this. Excellent idea about the voice notes and keeping track throughout the day. Thank you for sharing!

    • Holly

      July 5, 2024 at 5:07 pm

      I love this. There is beauty everywhere! In a dog rolling on their belly trying to get your attention and then come sit next to tou with their head on your arm or stomach.

  2. Letitia Short

    April 5, 2024 at 4:16 am

    It is amazing how many wonderful moments there are in a day. It is nice that you try to capture them through voice recordings and then writing them down. I feel blessed to have many magical moments in my day. They are what makes life so special.

    • Jill Loveless

      June 16, 2024 at 4:03 pm

      One of my gratitude moments was when our twenty year old granddaughter texted me a week before my birthday, and asked me if I had plans for my birthday, and that she wanted to celebrate the evening with me. Her thoughtful text brought me so much joy and excitement, and yes, we spent my birthday evening having a delicious meal together. Cups of our favorite roasted tomato basil soup with mini grilled cheese balls. 🙂 Cherished moments

  3. Crystal

    April 8, 2024 at 2:38 am

    Love this take on gratitude journaling and it was an enjoyable read; especially seeing the things that made your journal entry.

    Also, the accompanying photo is everything. A great idea to try in one’s teens and 20s, before hands get full with precious little ones like mine are now.

    Perhaps I will try it when my kids are older.


  4. Julia O'Donovan

    April 9, 2024 at 11:46 am

    I love the idea of simplifying. Oftentimes things that are supposed to help – like gratitude lists – become these high-pressure tasks where certain standards must be met. Something that I am always grateful for is having the precise amount of an ingredient I need left in the container. I especially love it when it’s exact down to the exact gram! 💛

    • Sherri'

      April 28, 2024 at 11:14 am

      I love little joy moments in my life, and am so grateful for them . I broke my back recently and I finally got out with a little drive with my husband it was only to the dump but the time together chatting and listening to some music made me smile and joyful for this time together. 💙❤️

  5. Sherri'

    April 28, 2024 at 11:14 am

    I love little joy moments in my life, and am so grateful for them . I broke my back recently and I finally got out with a little drive with my husband it was only to the dump but the time together chatting and listening to some music made me smile and joyful for this time together. 💙❤️

  6. Shelley G

    June 15, 2024 at 4:21 am

    I love all the things you listed, it reminds me of the internal chatter that I have with myself everyday. I never thought about writing them down in a gratitude journal 💗 my favorite…when a stoplight turns red I say to myself “Thank you God for watching over me” he may have just saved me from something bad😊

  7. Gay

    June 15, 2024 at 7:50 am

    This is such a great idea. I’ve tried writing things down during the day but I would often not have my notepad or pencil close. I almost always have my phone. Thank you for this idea!

  8. marie a dewald

    June 16, 2024 at 7:10 am

    I started making my signature on my e-mails “In this moment, I am grateful for _____” . I fill in the blank with each e-mail I send or respond to … I started with listing one, now I list 3 … and I choose different things for each e-mail I send that day. It helps me PAUSE and find gratitude for those little things … like in this moment, I am grateful for sharing my gratitude practice, having people reach out to me for encouragement and support this morning, seeing a neighborhood cat drinking water out of the birdbath which I put out for all creatures in my garden

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