Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

February 1, 2017

Bella Grace Cover Contest: Win Up to $300!

Bella Grace Cover Contest


Have you ever dreamed of having one of your photographs featured on the cover of Bella Grace? Well, now’s your chance. We’re currently looking for the cover of our summer 2017 issue and we want your help!


If you have a picture that you think perfectly captures the “Bella Grace spirit,” or know someone who does, you won’t want to miss out on this great opportunity.


If selected, not only will your photo grace our next cover – you’ll win $300!


There are two ways to enter the contest:

  • Email your submission(s) to [email protected] using the subject line “Summer Cover Contest.”
  • If you are on Instagram, tag your submission(s) with “#bellagracesummercover”



Discover the Cover and Win $100

Not a photographer? No problem. You can also discover the cover and win $100!


If you know someone whose work would be perfect on the cover of Bella Grace, you can still enter to win.


Send an email to [email protected] using the subject line “Summer Cover Contest,” with the cover-worthy shot included. Be sure to include the photographer’s name and where we can find them online.


If you discover our next cover, we’ll send you $100!


In the odd event that two people refer the same photo for consideration, the individual who submitted their referral first will be awarded the $100 prize.


Please note:

  • Pictures will need to be available in high resolution and 300 dpi, 8″ x 11″.
  • Submissions not chosen for cover may be considered for use on the inside of the magazine.
  • Those who do not follow instructions may be disqualified from the contest.


All submissions must be received by March 6th, 2017.


We look forward to finding the next stunning cover to encompass the magic of Bella Grace. Good luck!

(Visited 68 times, 1 visits today)

Comments ( 2 )

  1. Michelle Weeks

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm


    I do not see anywhere how many pictures for the contest I can submit. I am going to submit one, but if I can submit more, please let me know.thanks!

  2. Katie Anderson

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    Hi Michelle,

    There is no limit for the amount of entries you can submit. Please feel free to submit as many as you’d like!

    Katie Anderson
    The Bella Grace Team

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