Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

January 31, 2017

My Monday Night Ritual

My Monday Night Ritual

Words: Christen Hammons
Photo credit: Johanna Love


I don’t know if I’ve ever met someone who likes Mondays. If you do, hats off to you, but I think you’re one of the very few. My favorite day of the week is Thursday, but that’s a story for another day.


Most Mondays I wake up exhausted after a fitful night’s sleep. I always seem to have trouble turning my brain off on Sunday nights and do more tossing and turning than anything else. I also usually spend any free time I have on Monday running errands I didn’t get to over the weekend. It’s not a great way to start the week, so I’ve recently started a Monday night ritual that helps me settle a little better into the workweek.


Monday Mask Night started simply because I like giving rituals special names and I also love alliteration. I knew I had wanted to invest more time in my skincare routine and really love applying different masks. So, Monday Mask Night was born.


Each Monday night, just after my husband has gone to sleep, I get into my coziest pajamas, turn on one of my comfort shows (Gilmore Girls, Friends, and Golden Girls are my favorites), pour a glass of water or cup of tea, and apply a mask on my skin. My current go-to masks are those paper ones that make you look a little crazy when you put them on, but they feel so good.


The chill from the mask instantly relaxes me and my mind nearly comes to a complete stop. I zone in and out, sipping my beverage and occasionally shutting my eyes.


I don’t make a lot of time for myself, but these 20 uninterrupted minutes of bliss are all mine.




What helps you survive a Monday? Share your Monday ritual with us in the comments.


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Comments ( 3 )

  1. Corinna Richardson

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    A 20-24 oz. thermos of hot flavored coffee with Splenda to sip at my desk at work in the morning, while I check my email.

  2. Teresa

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    I use a sheet mask once a week too. ???? I usually just pick which ever day felt stressful to wear the mask. I like hot tea too. Right now my favorite is Matcha tea.

  3. Ella

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    Oh, anything with Gilmore or Golden Girls is an indulgence, and then add a mask and warm tea-sounds heavenly!
    My Monday ritual is soaking my feet. I set out lavender essential oil, a thick towel, and a favorite book to revisit. I add some powered soap to the water and dip my toes into the soothing calm warmth. My piggies usually end up parboiled, but my spirit is refreshed. A creamy lotion and socks are the final act of my time out. This simple act makes me feel pampered and comfy. Happy feet make me smile.

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