Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

January 12, 2017

Cultivate Creativity Wherever You Are + Project Idea



Some of my best ideas found me when I wasn’t looking.


A song on the radio, walks through glistening snow, and early morning coffee runs are a few places that have sparked beautiful ideas. I remember visiting a local cafe and looking in admiration at the intricate handwriting on the chalkboard menu.  A few moments later, I took a picture so I wouldn’t forget as the day passed by.


That night I ordered markers and bought a journal to begin the learning process. At that time it had been awhile since I felt inspired. Who knew ordering a Chai Latte would be the start of emerging from a creative rut?


A more recent example occurred after a long day of class. Eight hours to be exact. I dragged my feet to the car and turned on the radio to begin my trip back home. A song I hadn’t heard in years, on a radio station I rarely listen to, came on. In that moment, every ounce of stress disappeared and another idea was ignited. I knew I wasn’t the only one that experiences small yet reassuring moments like these so, when I got home, I depicted them in an illustration.


This became a reminder to myself that forcing creativity rarely produces genuine and heartwarming content. Sometimes the best thing to do is simply live in the moment. On your way to work, notice the architecture along the way, the sun rising, or paintings hanging in the office. You might be surprised at what you find that’s been there all along.


Creativity is everywhere. Sometimes we just need to readjust our focus. It’s easy to lose sight of everyday magic amongst our daily routines, but I promise it’s there.


As author Bruce Garrabrandt once said, “Creativity doesn’t wait for the perfect moment. It fashions its own perfect moments out of ordinary ones.”



Project Idea: Happiness in a Jar


Most nights before I go to bed, I reminisce over the wonderful experiences I’ve shared with loved ones. Rummaging through old photos brings me one step closer to feeling like I’m there all over again. I can almost feel the sand between my toes and the sun on my skin. While I can’t bottle up these memories to relive, I found the next best alternative.


A memory jar is a creative and fun way to jot down and seal any touching moment. A small act of kindness that typically becomes a fleeting memory can be saved. A warm smile, a door held open and a sweet compliment can be in your memory jar.


So now that we have the concept down, it’s time to start decorating!


I started with a Mason jar you can find at most craft stores. Next, you can use any type of paper for the label such as construction paper, scrapbook paper or newspaper. Washi tape is an affordable and cute way to customize the entire jar or as a simple detail along the edges. If you’re up for the challenge, fold your notes into small origami shapes. For a bit of sparkle, add fairy lights.




With the weather keeping most of us indoors, this could be a great activity to share with a group of friends. Have some snacks, drinks and movies ready to have a great night. Maybe this could even be the first memory you add to your jar.


Keep the jar in a space you’ll remember as a reminder to add a note. One night at the end of each month, get in your comfiest pajamas, brew some tea and open all of your notes. No matter what happened that month, this is a wonderful way to end it on a positive note.


Let your imagination wander and start creating!



Ariona is a starry-eyed lifestyle blogger, MBA student and self-proclaimed tea aficionado. She shares posts that inspire, educate and motivate her readers through their daily lives. Aside from school and interning, you can find her decorating, taking pictures and attemping DIYs from Pinterest. You can also find her on Instagram @creatorshaven.



What moments will you put in your memory jar? Share with us in the comments below.

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Comments ( 2 )

  1. Teresa

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    I love this idea. Thank you for sharing it!

  2. Anita

    April 29, 2023 at 6:11 am

    Very nice and easy way to remind ourselves special occasions/little things💓

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