Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

Showing results for - Category: Inspire.
All, Everyday Magic, Inspire, Quotes,

10 Uplifting Quotes to Start Your Day on a Positive Note

We all have those days when we wake up feeling less than chipper for no particular reason … we just feel “blah.” Whenever I’m feeling this way, it can be…

All, Inspiration, Inspire, Seasons,

5 Ways to Welcome Spring’s Arrival

While I always anticipate the arrival of the warm days of summer, the crisp air of autumn, and slow winter nights, spring is admittedly a season I get excited over.…

All, Everyday Magic, Inspiration, Inspire, Life's Beautiful Journey,

9 Delightful Ways to Welcome Spring into Your Home

Can you feel it? The air is getting warmer, the days are getting longer, and nature is waking up slowly from slumber. Now is the time to cast off the…

All, Everyday Magic, Inspiration, Inspire, Quotes, Inspirational Quotes for 2024

15 Inspirational Quotes to Kickstart 2024

Whether you are a resolution maker or not, no one can deny the excitement of a new year and all the possibilities that come with it. It offers us a…