Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

May 7, 2019

It’s Home

Words: Christen Hammons
Photo credit: Orlova Maria

Sometimes my eyes drift to the old, yellowed laminate flooring in the kitchen of our rental house and sigh. The windows in this old house don’t seal quite right, and you can’t use the vacuum cleaner while the air conditioner is running without blowing a fuse. This isn’t the house I grew up dreaming of. I could spend hours listing all the things that are wrong with it. And yet it’s home.

It’s been home for almost nine years. There’s comfort in that. I can navigate effortlessly to the kitchen in the middle of the night without turning on a single light. I know just how much to turn the shower knobs to get just the right temperature. I’ve fallen in love with the way the light shines through the living room windows as the sun sets in the distance.

We know we won’t always live in this house. Eventually we will pack up all our things and say goodbye to the orange tree in our backyard that we were married under. We’ll make this next move to get closer to our dream home. We’ll find faults in this house too. And yet, it will be home.

Last night my husband and I returned from visiting family in another state. On our drive back from the airport, we excitedly talked about seeing our pets and sleeping in our own bed. Once we unpacked, I grabbed my favorite throw blanket, cuddled up with my dog, sank into the sofa, and sighed.

It’s good to be home.


Christen Hammons is editor-in-chief of Bella Grace. She lives in Orange County with her husband, two sassy cats, and one scruffy dog.

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Comments ( 3 )

  1. Suzy

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    i needed to hear this today. my walls need painting, the floors need refinishing. the tile in the bathroom is coming down. i see the beautiful homes on tv. i dream of having one. but, my home is home, comfy,warm, lived in. a safe place. a sanctuary. and i belong there.

  2. Ella

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    I know that sigh-the one that hugs your spirit as you put the key into your door and embrace the comforts of your sacred space!
    Ahhh, Home Sweet Home~

    Christen, you remind me of all the portals I have opened, both their flaws and beauty gave them charm~

  3. Debbie E

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    Home to me is a plethora of things. Its my favorite mug with hot cocoa or tea. Home is a feeling when I sink into my couch and pull out my currently book im reading. Home is a feeling. Its comfort in knowing I own this place. For better or worse. No one else, just me, my kitty, and my favorite mug.

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