Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

November 29, 2016

Making Time to Do Nothing

Johanna M. Foto

Words: Christen Hammons
Photo credit: Joanna M. Foto


My life seems to be busier than ever these days.


Between long workdays, family obligations, and household chores, the days just fly by. While I used to look at a full calendar and feel pleased and even excited, I now feel a small sense of dread when I see all the squares in my planner filled up.



I know my husband has been the feeling the same way. It’s obvious when he asks, “What do we have to do this weekend?” instead of “What do we want to do?” Lately we’ve both been expressing our desire for just a day at home.


An entire day with no plans other than to stay in the comfort of our cozy house, doing whatever we please.


So, we chose a day and marked it down on the calendar. If people asked, we were busy. We promised to the other that we would decline all invitations. It was officially a “stay-at-home day,” and we both needed it desperately. It’s amazing how excited I got about the idea of an entire day with nothing to do other than exactly what I felt like. You would have thought I was about to leave for an exciting vacation.


As luck would have it, when we awoke on our stay at home day, we were greeted by the sound of raindrops. I walked through the house, turned up the heater, lit some candles, and put on a pot of coffee (the first of many) to brew.


The morning passed slowly as I finished up a book I’d been dying to get through and my husband researched some electronics he was interested in. I had plenty of time to not only paint my nails, but also to apply a face mask and cover up the sparkles of gray that seem to be appearing in my hair at an alarming rate. I finally completed a few knitting projects that were half done. We queued up several of our favorite movies, those we have seen countless times, and had them on in the background while we went lazily about our day.


How refreshing it was to spend the day doing exactly what we wanted.


When bedtime rolled around, we marveled at how the day was just what we needed and that the day felt longer than usual. This stay at home day wasn’t a guilty pleasure for us; it was something that was needed. Because of this I didn’t feel bad when I pulled out my calendar and blocked off another day next month to do just the same.


I’m already looking forward to it.


My best,


Editor-In-Chief, Bella Grace Magazine



What is your idea of the perfect stay-at-home day? We will share our favorite responses in a future issue of Bella Grace.

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Comments ( 5 )

  1. Tisa Hosford

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    Such true words–we so need time to ‘do nothing’ to keep us going with a smile. That’s why I like it when the power goes out for a day….time to unplug, sit & stay warm, read Where Women Create or Somerset Life back issues and dream of what I’d like to do when I plug back in 🙂

  2. Linda

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    My husband and I used to have B and B outings. It became a bit expensive. So, we now have B and B weekends at home. Like you, the goal is to relax, do what we choose to do. If we want to work (tidy up, for example). That’s our choice.
    We may take a drive, eat at a small cafe, or prepare a special meal at home. We might choose to watch movies at home, it’s all by choice.
    When the weekend is over, we feel as refreshed as if we’d taken a week’s vacation.

  3. Ella

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    I enjoyed reading about you and your hubby’s day-it felt like watching a balloon gracefully float across the sky. A day blocked out to lift one’s spirits and do whatever you felt like is the best gift! Sounds like a gift we all need to give ourselves-monthly. I try to make space in my day for a moment of grace, but a whole day-is a celebration of one’s spirit~ Thank you, for sharing this wonderful idea. I now, don’t feel guilty, about my husband going hunting and I binged watched The Gilmore Girls. Some how I missed out on the series. There must of been another show competing with the time slot, I am not sure. I am so happy to visit and linger in Stars Hollow.

  4. Suzanne

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    Your day sounds perfect!
    In the fast-paced and every-
    connected world we live in,
    a blank square on the calendar
    is very therapeutic for the
    spirit and the mind. I think
    you need to give this a hashtag
    like #baresquare or #longcozyday
    as it’s an idea worth spreading : )

    xo Suzanne

  5. Cindy La Ferle

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    A perfect stay-at-home day for me include a pile of new books, a Sunday paper, and a fresh pair of cute pajamas to read them in — in case somebody stops by. A pot of coffee brewing in the kitchen would top it off perfectly.

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