Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

Showing results for - Tag: life.
All, Daily Gratitude, Health + Wellness, Life, Life's Beautiful Journey, A Year of Change & Self-Discovery

A Year of Change & Self-Discovery

I am a creature of habit; I always have been. Fortunately, my husband is one as well. We find comfort in the simple routines we’ve established over the course of…

All, Daily Gratitude, Everyday Magic, Life, Life's Beautiful Journey, Life’s Beautiful Journey

Life’s a Beautiful Journey

Over the past 10 years, we’ve had 40 different Bella Grace covers. Though the featured image changes with each issue, as do the coverlines that shine a spotlight on some…

All, Everyday Magic, Life, Life's Beautiful Journey, Ordinary Magic, Slow Living Lifestyle

Navigating Life Through Slow Living

Imagine waking up to a world where the day unfolds gently, and you have the time to enjoy a leisurely breakfast, savoring each bite and the aroma of your coffee.…

All, Inspiration, Life's Beautiful Journey, Quotes,

Capturing Tiny Moments of Happiness

  The week is nearly over though I’m convinced it just started.   It’s funny how much quicker time seems to go by as we get older. Our days are…

All, Courage, Everyday Magic, Inspiration, Life's Beautiful Journey, Self Affirmation,

The Choir of Chaotic Voices

  The sound of a choir singing together brings to mind harmony, exaltation, a blissful sound.   It is uplifting and joyous. It can move us emotionally and with great…

All, Everyday Magic, Inspiration, Musings, Photography, Grace Notes

It’s Not About the Equipment

Words: Joy Jordan Photo credit: Joy Jordan   There are moments where I wish life was wrapped up and under my control, but I also want openness and ease. I…