Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

February 16, 2019

At the Edge, a Poem by Elle Harris

Bella Grace Magazine

Words: Elle Harris
Photo credit: Julia Caesar


Remember this is temporary
and nothing stays the same
even in the moments that draw
and lengthen
and stretch
and pull you way past comfortable
taut to the point of tear

broken to the point of fracture
even then
even there
tenacity is found in the conscious decision
to breathe once more
There is power in the promise of not yet
but someday
in forgiving the spirit-leached parts of yourself
in pursuit of a future version you can muster the courage to imagine
Focus every nerve and fiber on the allure of nevertheless
indwell your mind on the audacity of a hope you’ve yet to see
put confidence in the unanswered prayer
be it nothing more than a wasted utterance
and take care to consider that unanswered
is not the same
as unheard
And someday –
in the distant
or not so distant future
you’ll discover that the pain
only existed to keep you awake
and the mask of struggle is a darkness allowed,
only to foreshadow the promise of light
Remember this is temporary
and nothing stays the same
let it hurt
let it tire
let it wear you to the brink
because somehow
if you’re brave enough to look
the view is always clearest
at the edge


Elle Harris is a believer of impossible things. She is a lover of words, wonder, and the whimsical delights of everyday living. Caught in the creative place between reality and imagination is her favorite place to be. Please join Elle in pursuing life with intention, and grand conversation on her blog Find Elle on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @ElleHarris82.

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Comments ( 10 )

  1. 2.17.19 At the Edge | this quotable life

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    […] dear ones. I hope that you will join me in reading my newest poem, “At the Edge,” on Grace Notes, Bella Grace Magazine’s blog. This poem means a great deal to me, as it […]

  2. Elle Harris

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    I’d love to send you a personal note dear ones. Please share your thoughts. All my love, Elle.

    • Jackie

      June 9, 2023 at 12:11 pm

      Your At the Edge is beautiful and touches my heart. I am retiring June 30th and the days leading up to that time are very difficult for me. I am feeling unnecessary, old; like I have run my course around here and it breaks my heart. I have worked here for over 37 years and no one needs me anymore. I know I am just whining but it is really hard. I have three more weeks of it and hope I can do it.
      Anyway, thank you for your beautiful words.

  3. Terry Gassett

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    Just what I needed to hear today, sweet friend!
    Thank you for sharing your hope filled words that come straight from a heart of love.

  4. Elle Harris

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm


    You are such a delight. I am so happy that these words found you at just the right time. I love when that happens. I pray that you find your way to the other side of the edge soon. Be surrounded with peace and moments of grace that lead you from one breath to the next.

    All my love,

  5. Ella Wilson

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    Hi Elle
    Thank you, for this heartfelt poem~ So, many changes in my life right now, as I make room for my mom to move into our home. My focus is on hope, humanity, and what is best for the woman who has given so, much grace to others~

  6. Elle Harris

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm


    Having grown up with my grandmother living with us I can tell you that although there are many challenges and trials, I would not have changed it for the world. She just passed away this year at 96 years old, and I am able to tap into a million memories of my joyous life with her so that the pain of missing her is not so acute. Stay strong dear one.

  7. Elle Harris

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm


    Having grown up with my grandmother living with us I can tell you that although there are many challenges and trials, I would not have changed it for the world. She just passed away this year at 96 years old, and I am able to tap into a million memories of my joyous life with her so that the pain of missing her is not so acute. Stay strong.

  8. Chental wilson

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    You are an amazing writer Elle, have you produced a book yet even one made up of your blogs would be a great start! If you ever need any help in that department I’ve written two books and spent way too much money on producing them I’d highly recommend self publish on amazon. Not that you need any more on your plate Elle you seem like an incredibly busy lady, just really wanted to say I read belle grace “the changelessness of changing” and loved the way you right, I was drawn in. One question when do you usually get inspired to write blogs is it a certain time of day or just when you feel it? Time is so precious and I never seem to carve out enough to just sit and write. Xx hugs from the west coast of Canada

  9. Debbie E

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    Such a beautiful poem. We may break and fall down, but even that is temporary. Life is leaps we take, faith we have, and our heart on our sleeve to love others. We may get broken once, twice, or however many times but as Ella says “Remember this is temporary
    and nothing stays the same” Feel it all, take it in, and let it guide you onto your next journey in life!

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