Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

November 20, 2017

Be the Voice of a New Generation

New Generation Call for Submissions

We’re pleased to announce the launch of Bella Grace: New Generation! This new magazine, hitting newsstands in the spring of 2018, will feature everything you know and love about Bella Grace, but made especially for girls ages 12 to 19. Want to share feedback as we develop this exciting new title? We’re also looking for teenage fans of Bella Grace and leaders of young women’s groups, mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and aunts to join our focus group.

As we prepare for this exciting new launch, we’re seeking young, female writers and photographers to contribute to the premiere issue. Whether you are a passionate writer or are an Instagram rockstar, you have the opportunity to be a part of the first issue of Bella Grace: New Generation.

“Ever since we made the decision to launch Bella Grace: New Generation, I’ve been so excited to bring the type of content we know and love from Bella Grace to a younger group of girls. When it comes to magazines for teenaged-girls, there isn’t a lot out there that deals with more than fashion and celebrity news. Our goal is to create a publication that goes right to the heart of what matters most to those ages 12 through 19. New Generation is a place for readers to find stories from girls their age, and find comfort and empowerment as they read words that will make them say, ‘Me too!’ We know that growing up can be a tough experience for many, but we want to show that it can also be a beautiful adventure.”

— Christen Hammons
Editor of Bella Grace and New Generation


How to Submit

Please send all written and photography submissions via email to

[email protected]

With the subject line “New Generation Submissions”

By December 20, 2017

Don’t know where to begin? Here are some suggestions for where to start:

Written Content

  • Personal Narratives (no more than 500 words)
  • Unique perspectives to offer on everyday life for teenagers
  • Advice on how to claim your individuality in a world of sameness and “fitting in”
  • Tips and techniques for balancing the demands of the everyday girl
  • Stories of body acceptance and celebration
  • Suggestions for creating a healthy relationship with social media
  • Struggles and lessons learned from friendships

Artistic Photography

  • You and your friends living your best life
  • Nature
  • School life
  • Books
  • Florals

In order to be selected for publication, photographs need to be hi-resolution images (300 dpi, at least “ x 6”)


Are you a list-maker? Creating lists can be a very effective and inspiring form of writing. They’re also incredibly fun to read! Make it funny, make it sweet … the choice is yours. Rather than to-do lists, we’re looking for your life lists. A few ideas include:

  • 15 Thoughts I Secretly Want to Share with My Friends (But Don’t)
  • 5 Times I Laughed Uncontrollably
  • 10 Things I’d Tell My 50-Year-Old-Self

Instagram Collections

We love Instagram. It’s such a great way to beautifully share our days with others. It also serves as a diary to help us document small, yet significant moments. If you have an inspired and creative Instagram account, you could be published! For consideration, please submit 15 images that you feel capture your Instagram and a statement about what living a Bella Grace life means to you.


For even more ideas, please refer to our complete submissions page.

Questions about submitting your work? Leave a comment below and we’d be happy to help!


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Comments ( 5 )

  1. Ella

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    I am excited about this publication, but I admit-I am a wee bit jealous. I wish I had Bella Grace in my life-when I was young~
    I am happy to contribute to both Bella Grace and her new sister publication-Bella Grace: New Generation!!

  2. Shannon

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    This is fantastic news! Congratulations!

    Are you also accepting submissions from women (I’m 51) for Bella Grace ~ New Generation?

  3. Bella Grace Magazine

    April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    Hi Shannon,

    Thanks for reaching out! We’re accepting all submissions, as long as they speak to young women ages 12-19. We look forward to receiving your submission!

  4. Sally Lake

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    I have been writing for a few years to have a written copy of my perspectives and experiences for my children and grandchildren to have one day. My sister has been published in your magazine, and I would like to submit a few things. My style is unique, and people have liked it. I don’t know how to begin.

  5. Bella Grace Magazine

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    Hi Sally! You can find all submission information at: 🙂

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