Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

June 1, 2022

How to Make a Date For Yourself

Words: Christen Hammons
Photo credit: Rachel Schraven

As busy as we are, we always manage to find a way to pencil someone or something else into our schedule. We open our planners and see all those doctor’s appointments, work lunches, and coffee dates with friends, precisely scheduled throughout our weeks. The only time left over for ourselves is between the other appointments, and that’s just not enough.

As much as I like to devote my time to helping and serving others, I know to be my best self, I need to schedule some alone time. Time to relax and do whatever it is that revives me. I’ve learned that if I don’t have the time, I have to make the time. That means grabbing that planner and finding a free hour or two, or when I’m really lucky, maybe an entire afternoon. And then I write my name big and bold and in pen. When the time comes, I do whatever it is my mind and body are craving. Sometimes it’s a nap, but most often it’s grabbing a journal or a book, getting cozy and comfortable, and then it’s time for a little self-reflection.

Talking with friends recently I realized how just about all of them feel like there’s never any time left over for themselves. The demands of full-time jobs, long commutes, and spouses and children can be exhausting. That’s when I came up with the idea of putting together a “Make a Date for Yourself” kit. It can contain anything and everything that makes you feel at ease. Some recommendations are a journal, a copy of Field Guide to Everyday Magic, a mug, and cozy socks ❤️

What would you include in your “Make a Date for Yourself” kit? I encourage you to take the time to put together your very own and give yourself the care that you need!

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