Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

September 2, 2020

10 Things I’m Looking Forward to This Fall

10 Things I’m Looking Forward to This Fall

Words: Christen Hammons
Photo credit: Jakob Owens

Though my school days are far behind me, it’s hard to think of fall without thinking about the chance to start anew. When I was younger, my excitement came from getting new clothes to the start the year and the mystery of what teachers I’d have. Now, my excitement comes at the chance to re-experience some of my favorite simple pleasures for the first time in months. With summer being stifling at times in Southern California, fall brings with it cooler air and a chance to settle in and cuddle up. This year, I’m especially looking forward to these cozy delights for the first time in a long time:

1. Wrapping myself in my overly soft bathrobe on the first chilly morning
2. Replenishing my candle stash with autumn scents
3. Simmering stew on the stovetop all day long
4. Pulling my cherished oversized cardigan from the back of the closet
5. Dusting off my favorite boots
6. Shopping for a new scarf
7. The first rain and the way it changes how the air smells outside
8. Hunting for the perfect pumpkin
9. Lighting a fire in our pit outside and enjoying a s’more (or two)
10. Spotting the fiery-red sunset that signals fall’s officially arrived

What are you most looking forward to this fall? Leave a comment or send your own list to [email protected].

Embrace Autumn with Bella Grace Issue 25 now available at:

Christen Hammons is editor-in-chief of Bella Grace. She lives in Orange County with her husband, two sassy cats, and one scruffy dog.

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Comments ( 14 )

  1. Debbie Ealer

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    Im looking forward to feeling cool breezes on my face, enjoying open windows for the first time in months, and drinking endless cups of tea on my swing in my backyard. Autumn is my favorite time of year for the colors,the smells, the breezes. It is alive with change and a time to be outdoors more with cherished loved ones.

  2. Susan

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    Looking forward to fall:
    Sitting on my screen porch in a sweatshirt and jeans listening to the wind blow through the trees.
    Walking my grandkids to the school bus, finding all different colors of leaves on the ground.

  3. Julia

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    I’m excited for decorating, cooking and baking hearty warming foods, keeping the window open and turning the a/c off, and of course Samhain!

  4. Scarlet Taylor

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    I’m looking forward to my birthday on September 14th, even though I don’t cherish growing older, because it reminds me of Indian Summer and my desire to decorate for fall. I love the fall breezes and the turning of the leaves.

  5. Susan Hemann

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    changing colors of the leaves

  6. Kim Jarchow

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    I always look forward to hiking trails with my camera and capturing the beautiful fall colors and textures.

  7. Michele

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    Thank you for this. I struggle with fall and with winter. Last years cozy edition really, truly, helped pull me through it. The list of reasons to look forward to fall has me look at and reflect on all the beautiful reasons I can put a smile on my face and think about this historically dreaded time in a magical way
    Thank you
    Michele Love

  8. Tracy Lischer

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    I’m looking forward to wearing my long hair down. All summer I’ve had to keep it off my neck. Now it will keep my neck and shoulders comfortably warm. (Haven’t gotten a hair cut during the pandemic.)

  9. Debbie Ealer

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    You and I are soul sisters 🙂

  10. Debra Kendall

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    Autumn is my absolute favorite time of year! I love everything about it – watching the leaves change color, the scents in the air and in my home, comfort food, rainy days where I can just unwind and curl up with a great book. Autumn is the season that allows us to take a deep breath, walk smaller steps along our path and just take in all of nature’s amazing beauty! What a joyous gift Autumn is to all of us!

  11. Lisa A. Davis

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    This fall I am looking forward to
    Go walking through the fallen leaves and hearing the rustling under my feet.
    Watching the leaves dance as they fall to the ground.
    Visiting an apple orchard.
    Curling up and reading Bella Grace on a chilly evening.
    Cozy sweaters and boots.

  12. Margarita

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    I love Bella grace it changes my life every time I get it don’t want to miss any issue

    Connecticut is beautiful this time of the year
    like a beautiful Painting
    when does issue 25 came out ?

  13. Bella Grace Magazine

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    Hello! Issue 25 was released on September 1st. It is available at: 🙂

  14. Tracy Lischer

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    I live in the woods in NC and am looking forward to making leaf bouquets and photographing them for my Autumn posts in “Diary of a Mindful Nature Lover” on blogspot.

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