Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

August 18, 2020

Inspired by Instagram: 5 Instagram Accounts We Love!

Inspired by Instagram: 5 Instagram Accounts We Love!

We love Instagram! It provides a wonderful way to share inspiration and also serves as a diary to help document our days. You may notice that in each issue of Bella Grace, we feature a handful of Instagram collections. Today we’re sharing favorites featured throughout the years. If you’re seeking inspiration, you may enjoy following the Instagram accounts below!

Inspired by Instagram: 5 Instagram Accounts We Love!

@dullbluelight, Crissy Mitchell


Inspired by Instagram: 5 Instagram Accounts We Love!
Featured in Bella Grace Issue 5

“As a photographer, I am always chasing the light. Living a Bella Grace life means paying attention to the beauty and inspiration that surround me.” – @dullbluelight

@kpardell, Kathy Pardell


Inspired by Instagram: 5 Instagram Accounts We Love!
Featured in Bella Grace Issue 11

Living a Bella Grace life means that I am finally at home in my own skin and confident in taking action to explore what moves me; from capturing the wonder that comes from the changing leaf to the joy in creating snapshots of life’s beautiful collections. Bella Grace means embracing what sets my heart racing and following it with passion. – @kpardell

@kodakmoments_bynina, Nina Hurum


Inspired by Instagram: 5 Instagram Accounts We Love!
Featured in Bella Grace Issue 8

I believe extraordinary moments and happiness are right in front of me if I pay attention and practice gratitude. To embrace the moment, to treasure the little seconds during everyday life, when you pause and let go of your mind, take a deep breath in, look around and connect with your heart and soul, sensing the pure feeling of being alive. To pick daises, go barefoot in the grass, listen to music of the wind rustling in the leaves of a tree, the monotonous fall of the waves on the beach, the breezes at dawn, freezing moments like these with my camera…that’s what fuels my energy, that’s what gives me new inspiration, that’s what living a Bella Grace life is to me. – @kodakmoments_bynina

@sixteenmilesout, Carolyn Watson


Inspired by Instagram: 5 Instagram Accounts We Love!
Featured in Bella Grace Issue 18

Living a Bella Grace life is running freely through the open fields with my hair blowing in the wind, not a care in the world. Laughing and being free to be who I was created to be. A Bella Grace life is hanging out in my studio all day, lost in my thoughts as I put together beautiful creations. – @sixteenmilesout

@rana.monet, Rana Monet


Inspired by Instagram: 5 Instagram Accounts We Love!
Featured in Bella Grace Issue 22

Living a Bella Grace life is realizing that life isn’t perfect, but you can still embrace the beauty and joy found within. My hope is to share the sweetness in the mundane with fresh ideas and inspirations. I hope to remind my audience through captions and photographs to not let the chaos around you blind you from the simple pleasures and moments of life. – @rana.monet


Discover more inspiration inside Bella Grace Browse our library here!

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Comments ( 1 )

  1. Debbie Ealer

    April 19, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    Such beautiful souls and photos.

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