Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

Inspiration, Quotes,

12 Inspiring Quotes to Slow Down and Savor Life

           We couldn’t be more excited to be celebrating our 5th birthday this month! Bella Grace is has been such a joy to create over the years and your response…

All, A Moment with Bella Grace Issue 21 + Win a Free Issue

A Moment with Bella Grace Issue 21 + Win a Free Issue

Get ready to cozy up and embrace the Autumn season with Bella Grace Issue 21! Inside you’ll discover inspiring writing prompts, stunning seasonal imagery, and beautiful stories penned by our…

All, Seasons, Savoring the Last Days of Summer

Savoring the Last Days of Summer

As sweaters and ankle boots begin to appear in stores, and the smell of pumpkin spice fills every coffee shop, it feels as though Southern California hasn’t gotten the memo…

All, Quotes, 10 Inspiring Julia Child Quotes

Food for Thought: 10 Inspiring Quotes by Julia Child

Beloved chef, Julia Child, was and continues to be a beautiful inspiration to millions of people all over the world. As America’s first culinary icon, she empowered women through her…

All, 15 Special Ways to Celebrate Your Friendships 

15 Special Ways to Celebrate Your Friendships

“I have learned that friendship isn’t about who you’ve known the longest, it’s about who came and never left your side.” – Yolanda Hadid Sometimes I think that friendship is…


23 Ways to Stop Living Life on Autopilot

Bella Grace’s 5th birthday is rapidly approaching (cue fireworks!), and we are taking a trip down memory lane to celebrate. While recalling our favorite articles from past issues, we remembered…

All, Sneak Peek,

A Moment with Field Guide to Everyday Magic Issue 4

  Inspired by its sister publication Bella Grace, Field Guide to Everyday Magic is filled entirely with the worksheet-style prompts, captivating photographs, and inspirational quotes that Bella Grace Magazine has…

All, Seasons, A Bella Summer Bucketlist

A Bella Summer Bucket List 2019

We recently asked our followers on Instagram and Facebook to share what is on their summer bucket list. It came as no surprise that we were incredibly inspired by your…


The Bella Poet Society: Volume 1

We receive countless poetry submissions for our magazine and are thrilled to create a special home for them here on our blog! Introducing: The Bella Poet Society, where you will…


A Moment with Bella Grace Issue 20 + Win a Free Issue

Bella Grace Issue 20 is filled with inspiration to discover magic in the ordinary through beautifully penned stories and striking photographs that capture life’s beautiful journey. Take a peek inside…

All, Inspiration, Seasons,

10 Ways to Keep That Hygge Feeling During Summer

It’s so easy to think that hygge is only something for the fall or winter months, but you can keep that cozy feeling going long after the days lengthen and…


It’s Home

Sometimes my eyes drift to the old, yellowed laminate flooring in the kitchen of our rental house and sigh. The windows in this old house don’t seal quite right, and…