Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

All, Creativity, Inspiration, Nostalgia, Writing, The Beauty of Handwritten Letters

The Beauty of Handwritten Letters

As the world is undoubtedly moving towards digital communication, handwritten letters are fast becoming a rare commodity. In fact, most people haven’t written a personal letter in years, as per…

All, Everyday Magic, Health + Wellness, Life's Beautiful Journey, Self Care, Mood Lifting

21 Surefire Ways to Instantly Lift Your Mood

Even the most cheerful people are going to find themselves in a bad mood every now and then. When that happens, it’s important to have a reserve of ways to…

All, Health + Wellness, Self Care, Self Help,

Your Guide to Intentional Self-Care

From the school drop-off to work, back to school, then dinner preparations, putting the kids to bed, and cleaning up the house, and before you know it, you’re on your…

All, Everyday Magic, Life, Life's Beautiful Journey, Self Care, Self Help, Resolutions into Lasting Habits

How to Turn Resolutions into Lasting Habits

Every year, January 1st can feel like a fresh beginning, a date to start something new, something exciting. But it’s no surprise by now that making lasting change overnight isn’t…

All, Everyday Magic, Inspiration, Inspire, Quotes, Inspirational Quotes for 2024

15 Inspirational Quotes to Kickstart 2024

Whether you are a resolution maker or not, no one can deny the excitement of a new year and all the possibilities that come with it. It offers us a…

All, Courage, Health + Wellness, Self Care, Self Help, Saying No: Healthy Boundaries as a Form of Self-Love

Saying No: Healthy Boundaries as a Form of Self-Love

Clear personal boundaries include many moving parts and are instrumental in cultivating a sense of self-love and self-worth. Such boundaries are the guidelines you establish to safeguard your emotional and…

All, Health + Wellness, Self Care, Winter Wellness: How to Beat the Winter Blues

Winter Wellness: How to Beat the Winter Blues

If the combination of shorter days and colder temperatures causes you to grapple with the winter blues, you’re not alone. During the dreary months of winter, it’s not uncommon to…

All, Creativity, Daily Gratitude, Inspiration, Life, Self Affirmation, Self Help, Vision Boards and Mood Boards

Visual Roadmaps: Vision Boards and Mood Boards

As the year draws to a close, there seems to be a natural inclination for introspection and anticipation that stirs within us. The impending transition to a new year –…

All, Daily Gratitude, Gratitude, Health + Wellness, Life's Beautiful Journey, Self Affirmation, Self Care, Fostering Self-Compassion

Self-Compassion: Fostering a Kind Relationship with Yourself

Did you know the Latin root that the word “compassion” originated from means “to suffer with”? Compassion is an empathetic emotional response to someone’s suffering that makes you want to…

All, Behind The Scenes

Behind the Scenes of Bella Grace

Words by Christen Hammons The idea for Bella Grace began many years before it finally came to fruition through a series of short conversations about simple pleasures and ordinary magic between…

All, Everyday Magic, Health + Wellness, Life's Beautiful Journey, Self Care, Mindfulness with Your Dog

Practicing Mindfulness with Your Pet

Although people have practiced mindfulness for thousands of years, the word has made its way into our vocabulary, books, and social media feeds more recently than ever. For the uninitiated,…

All, Stream of Consciousness Writing

Your Guide to Stream of Consciousness Writing

Although the term “stream of consciousness” first appeared in William James’s 1890 The Principles of Psychology book, the technique had existed long before it was named. Since the nineteenth century,…