Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

Showing results for - Tag: ordinary magic.
All, Everyday Magic, Inspiration,

What Gives You Light?

In giddy anticipation of Field Guide to Everyday Magic Volume 2 (hitting stores this August) we’ve been revisiting our favorite pages from Volume 1. We shared this Field Guide prompt…

All, Inspiration, Life's Beautiful Journey, Quotes,

Capturing Tiny Moments of Happiness

  The week is nearly over though I’m convinced it just started.   It’s funny how much quicker time seems to go by as we get older. Our days are…

All, Courage, Everyday Magic, Inspiration, Life's Beautiful Journey, Self Affirmation,

The Choir of Chaotic Voices

  The sound of a choir singing together brings to mind harmony, exaltation, a blissful sound.   It is uplifting and joyous. It can move us emotionally and with great…

Everyday Magic, Gratitude, Life's Beautiful Journey, Musings, Stumbling Upon Beautiful in Venice

Stumbling Upon Beautiful in Venice

  Perhaps it is the glossy pictures in magazines or the romantic gondola rides featured in films that romanticise Venice. Yet, as I meandered across the canals of the city…

Courage, Life's Beautiful Journey, Grace Notes

Forever Is Real

Words: Hayley Solano Photo credit: Hayley Solano   It was an evening in late September when I knew we were losing each other.   I knew we were forgetting. So…

All, Everyday Magic, Inspiration, Life's Beautiful Journey, Grace Notes

Ordinary Magic

Words: Natalie Skeith Photo credit: Juskteez Vu   That night we sat on the kitchen counter eating takeout Indian food right up until our normal bedtime. When we began to…

All, Courage, Everyday Magic, Health + Wellness, Inspiration, Life's Beautiful Journey, Grace Notes

The Wonders of Diving

Words: Kayla Dean Photo credit: Tim Marshall   If you’ve ever swam, stood by, lived by, or even flown over an ocean once, you know that deep waters hold a…

All, Everyday Magic, Gratitude, Grace Notes

An Ode to Tea

Words: Ella Wilson Photo credit: Ella Wilson   Tea, you and I go way back.   I first heard about you when I was about three or four years old.…

All, Creativity, Everyday Magic, Inspiration, Grace Notes

The Memory of Worn Things

Words: Christine Hiester Photo credit: Christine Hiester   The soft hum of conversation surrounds me. I sit at a small rectangular table by the wall of my my favorite local…

All, Everyday Magic, Inspiration, Life's Beautiful Journey, Grace Notes

Stay Found: How to Make Your “Me” Time Magical

Words: Elle Harris Photo credit: Erica Schneider, Bella Grace Issue 1 Digital Edition   I am never alone.    On the rare, and somewhat monumental, occasions that I am, I…

All, Everyday Magic, Inspiration, Grace Notes Blog Hop: Life's Ordinary Magic

Grace Notes Blog Hop: Life’s Ordinary Magic

Words: Heather Taylor Photo credit: Daniel Kim, Bella Grace Issue 6   “How utterly vital is it to celebrate the romance in each day. What makes your heart dance? What…

All, Everyday Magic, Inspiration, Musings, Grace Notes

If Bella Grace Was a Person

Words: Christen Hammons Photo credit: Briana Morrison, Bella Grace Issue 7   One thing I’ve learned in my life is that most of us are looking for reassurance that we…