Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

Showing results for - Category: Seasons.
All, Seasons, My Five Favorite Ways to Welcome Spring

My Five Favorite Ways to Welcome Spring

As soon as the daffodils in my front yard start to bloom, I know spring is just around the corner. Living in Southern California, we are blessed with wonderful weather…

All, Seasons, Savoring the Last Days of Summer

Savoring the Last Days of Summer

As sweaters and ankle boots begin to appear in stores, and the smell of pumpkin spice fills every coffee shop, it feels as though Southern California hasn’t gotten the memo…

All, Seasons, A Bella Summer Bucketlist

A Bella Summer Bucket List 2019

We recently asked our followers on Instagram and Facebook to share what is on their summer bucket list. It came as no surprise that we were incredibly inspired by your…

All, Inspiration, Seasons,

10 Ways to Keep That Hygge Feeling During Summer

It’s so easy to think that hygge is only something for the fall or winter months, but you can keep that cozy feeling going long after the days lengthen and…

All, Health + Wellness, Seasons,

7 Ways to Spring-Clean Your Life

  We’ve reached the point of winter where most of us are longing for the warmer days ahead. As March approaches, many people look to welcome the new season with…

All, Quotes, Seasons,

10 Literary Quotes to Uplift This Winter

This time of year celebrates all things cozy. During the wintry months, I’m often found with a good book in hand, watching a thought-provoking movie, or cuddled up with my…

All, Everyday Magic, Seasons,

Bella Grace Presents: A Look Behind the Cover of The Cozy Issue

Bella Grace Magazine is putting its special touch on “hygge” — the Danish concept of embracing a feeling of coziness, warmth, charm, and simplicity. Within The Cozy Issue, women of all…

All, Life's Beautiful Journey, Seasons, Life Cleanup

Life Cleanup

It’s time to look at spring cleaning from a different angle.

All, Seasons, Little Luxuries to Help Get Through Gray Days

Little Luxuries to Help Get Through Gray Days

  Even the grayest days of winter can be brightened up with life’s little luxuries.  

All, Everyday Magic, Seasons,

The Color Your Heart Needs

  It’s snowing today. What better thing to do other than meandering outside, crossing snowy bridges, traipsing through slushy parking lots, and searching for fresh flowers?

All, Everyday Magic, Inspiration, Seasons, A Moment With Bella Grace Issue 11

A Moment With: Bella Grace Issue 11

  “Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace.” — French Proverb   The spring season symbolizes new beginnings, blossoming life, and an opportunity to prioritize personal growth. We’re embracing simple…

Everyday Magic, Health + Wellness, Seasons,

Hygge: Forever in Search of Cozy

  For years I’ve had a fascination with creating the coziest life possible.   I’ve filled my dresser drawers with fuzzy socks, covered my couch with as many throw blankets…