Grace Notes

a blog about life’s everyday magic

Showing results for - Category: All.
All, Daily Gratitude, Everyday Magic, Gratitude, Health + Wellness, Life, Life's Beautiful Journey, Presentness

Presentness in a Fast-Paced World

In a world that seems to be spinning faster each day, where schedules morph into never-ending to-do lists, the idea of living in the present moment can feel like an…

All, Daily Gratitude, Everyday Magic, Health + Wellness, Life, Life's Beautiful Journey, Self Care, Positive Emotions

8 Practices for Cultivating Positive Emotions

In the pursuit of happiness, positive emotions are the threads that weave together moments of delight, love, and contentment. Within each of us lies the profound capability to nurture these…

All, Daily Gratitude, Everyday Magic, Gratitude, Health + Wellness, Self Care, Forest Bathing

The Magic of Forest Bathing

The allure of being amidst natural wonders evokes an inexplicable feeling that soothes our souls. The rustling symphony of the forest, the earthy aroma of trees, and the play of…

All, Daily Gratitude, Everyday Magic, Friendship, Gratitude, Health + Wellness, Social Wellness and Old Friends

Social Wellness: 10 Ways to Reconnect With Old Friends

As life pulls you in different directions, it’s easy to lose touch with old friends and let the threads of connection fray and fade. However, this Social Wellness Month can…

All, Everyday Magic,

Infinite Wonders Around the Corner

This time of year, it’s common to feel a little stir-crazy. The blustery days of winter are behind us, the weather is warming up, the days are getting longer, and…

All, Daily Gratitude, Lovely Lists, Ordinary Magic, Seasons,

15 Ways to Embrace Joy & Delight This Spring

I’ve never been one to make serious resolutions when a new year arrives and instead take two different approaches. I think of the things I will not be doing in…

All, Creativity, Gratitude, Holidays, Seasons,

A Basket of Sunshine

After enduring months of cold, dark, dreary days, it can be easy to feel like the sun may never shine again. Putting together a “basket of sunshine” is a thoughtful…

All, Lovely Lists,

30 Letters to Write in 30 Days

Embracing the art of letter writing is a wonderful way to add a romantic touch to your everyday life. The thought of sitting down with some beautiful stationery and penning…


Want to be featured in In Her Garden?

Last spring, our publisher introduced a brand-new title called In Her Garden. This special publication is an exploration of inspiring outdoor spaces along with creative DIY projects for and from…

All, Health + Wellness, Quotes, Self Affirmation,

Words of Encouragement: 12 Motivational Quotes of Strength

Whether life has thrown you a curve ball, or you just need some gentle words of encouragement, here are 12 of our favorite inspirational quotes about strength and encouragement from…

All, Health + Wellness,

Game Shows & Soup in a Mug: An Ideal Sick Day

When I was growing up, staying home from school for a sick day often felt like a little treat. I was lucky enough to have a mom who stayed at…

All, Holidays,

Stealing Pockets of Time During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is so packed with gatherings, events, and a never-ending to-do list that it can be hard to find a few minutes to yourself. No matter how busy…